How Does It Feel? by Jeneane O’Riley EPUB & PDF

How Does It Feel? by Jeneane O’Riley EPUB & PDF

How Does It Feel? by Jeneane O’Riley EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jeneane O’Riley
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fantasy Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The Beginning of the End

The damp floor of the dungeon made it hard to keep the tiny cuts of
cheese on my mini charcuterie board. I suppose it was less of a board
and more of a loose brick from the back wall, but the rat that visited this
cell wouldn’t mind.

I laughed out loud at how cute it looked with the little bits of cracker
and honey saved from my meal yesterday. My muscles froze. I immediately
berated myself for the laughter that had slipped out.
They didn’t like when I made noises. When I made noises, they woke
up. They had told me they would hurt me again if I made any more noise. I
pressed my body into the faulty shelter of the dungeon’s shadows.
My finger’s poked the open, bloodied wound on my head as a firm
reminder of its horrible capabilities.

A deep inhale stretched my sinewy ribs as I imprinted my finger nail
sharply into the wound. I bit the iron cuffs around my wrist to muffle my
cries as the metal tang of blood swirled with the bite of iron in my mouth.
Good, I still felt something. My taut muscles relaxed the faintest
The iron chain between my cuffs clanged loudly against itself with my
slight movement.

Blackness immediately consumed me as my eyes shut so tightly that
tiny flecks of light speckled the back of my eyelids. The hard stone wall
dug into my flesh. I pressed harder, willing it to swallow me up so I would
no longer be inside the fear-laced cell of this dungeon.
Had I caused it to wake?
A few stray tears escaped my eyes as my body trembled.

Fuck. Fuck.
I shook so hard I threatened to wake him with the rattle of my bones.
Be quiet or it will wake and hurt you again.
I wish I could have known more details about all of this. I was
beginning to question who I really was anymore. It was like ten versions of
myself were shoved into this body, and I grew more confused about who I
was with every day that passed.

I just wanted to be myself for a while. I had forgotten what that felt like.
A moment of stillness passed. I filled myself with a silent lungful of
relief and returned to my mini charcuterie board.
I could wait and see if they gave me more bread tonight, but I doubt
they would.

Holding my breath, I stepped over the rusted chain that connected my
cuffs and pulled my hands wide on either side of my body. The thick iron
chain pulled tightly around my lower back, silencing any metal clangs as I
moved the brick of food back toward the cell wall where I had removed the
brick from originally. I sat in front of the large gap and waited patiently for
the only thing that kept me sane . The only thing I looked forward to

Within a few moments, the grungy brown rat came.
“I’m so glad you made it back,” I mouthed excitedly, the smacks of my
lips the only sound I dared to make.

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