Hot Pursuit by Cassie Connor EPUB & PDF

Hot Pursuit by Cassie Connor EPUB & PDF

Hot Pursuit by Cassie Connor EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Cassie Connor
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Flying to Barcelona for the day sounds dead glamorous, except my inflight bag contains a hi-vis vest, hard hat and steel toe-cap boots. Today’s
trip hasn’t started off well. At stupid o’clock at Heathrow on a Friday
morning, I find out my boss Jeff Truman has bailed, some family
emergency. A replacement is en route. Which is a bummer. Dependable old
Jeff is happily married, with trendy, popular teenagers. They’ve trained him
well – he’s never tried to talk me into bed on a business trip or made
inappropriate comments. The perfect workmate. Always a plus in my book.

When I land, my phone starts vibrating like a Rabbit on maximum
setting, a flurry of texts bursting onto the screen advising me that I’ll be
joined by a colleague who’s just joined the company, so I’ve not
encountered him before. Great. I always love an unknown quantity.
Apparently he was on my flight, so our driver can pick us at the same time.
I indulge in a spot of people-watching as the escalator glides down to
the main concourse. There are an awful lot of hot Spanish men in their
forties with just the right amount of distinguished grey tinting their temples.
Is that something in their collective genes?

There’s a guy a few steps below. He immediately captures my attention,
even from behind. His hair is cropped short at the back, neatly trimmed and
leading down into a strong neck, and if you were into that sort of thing, you
might fantasise about wrapping your arms around it when you’re kissing
him. Dark grey suit. Fitted across broad manly shoulders. Long lean legs
and the sort of taut arse that makes parts of me sit up and purr. His suit
jacket is rucked up by the strap on his laptop case, allowing me to totally
objectify the hell out of him. I’m wondering about his haunches, that sexy
muscle and tendon bit of thighs and buttocks.

Yeah, I know, a bit weird, but I’ve had a thing about haunches ever
since the time I had the BEST sex of my life. The filthiest, full-on two-night
stand that left me starry-eyed and my nerve endings throbbing for a week.
Just thinking about it still creates a rosy glow between my legs. I clamp my
thighs together. Don’t go there, Lydie. Not now, when you’re about to meet
a new work colleague as well as Señor Lopez, head honcho of the sports
retail company that owns the distribution centre that has just burnt down.

I avert my eyes from Sexy Suit man who, to my disappointment, takes a
sharp left at the bottom of the escalator, while I turn right, following the exit
signs, my eyes scanning the ranks of men bearing whiteboards, handwritten
signs on A4 sheets of paper and – fancier – iPads with a variety of
international names.

Although I’ve travelled a lot with my work, it never ceases to be a thrill
that someone has come especially to collect me. Someone is here for me.
With the usual burst of happiness, I spot my name

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