Hot Kisses by Cassi Hart EPUB & PDF

Hot Kisses (SUMMER LOVIN’)by Cassi Hart EPUB & PDF

Hot Kisses (SUMMER LOVIN’) by Cassi Hart EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors:Cassi Hart
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 7 MB
  • Price: Free

The tiny tea kettle whistles on top of my single propane burner,
making me turn my gaze from where I’ve been staring out at the window at
the dark expanse of water. Another cool, pre-dawn breeze slips through the
gap in my ancient van’s sliding door, making me shiver. At the same time, a
drop of water from last night’s storm leaks through a hole where the last
owner unsuccessfully tried to install a solar panel on the roof. It lands on
my head and drips down my cheek, like an icy tear.

This is fine.
And as soon as I have my green tea steaming in my lone, chipped
mug, the sun starts to come up, illuminating the waves, just a hundred yards
outside the window. I breathe out a long sigh and watch the water roll in
over the packed sand. It’s just me and my beach at sunrise and everything
really is fine. For this moment, anyway.

Ever since Grandpa died, all I have are these fleeting moments, and
my beach. I don’t know how much longer that will last, but I’m willing to
stay here in this leaky tin can to soak up every last one of them.
It’s not much longer before the sun is blazing and I scramble over to
push aside the curtains and unroll the front windows to get some fresh air.

Throwing off my nightshirt, I pull on a tank top and shorts, slather on the
necessary sunscreen and flop out onto the sand. It’s still early in the season,
and very early in the morning, but pretty soon I’ll no longer be alone on the
swathe of Whitecross City Beach that sprawls out between the coves to the
north and the brand new development that’s been steadily encroaching
higher up the blue sky to the south.

I scowl at it, not wanting to spoil the peaceful morning mood, and
turn my eyes back to the water. I purposely close them longer than a normal
blink so I don’t see the scorched slab that’s all that’s left of the only home I
ever knew. I like to pretend the house is still there, and I’m only camping in
my van for fun. That Grandpa is keeping an eye on me from the
wraparound porch, and hollering at me to get inside when the rain starts.

Because living in this van isn’t really fun, but I refuse to leave my
beach. And Grandpa isn’t here anymore. “Because of you,” a small voice in
my head taunts, but I shut it down (for now).

My stomach rumbles, but I put off breakfast for a bit longer, and head
to the public restrooms that Grandpa built before I was born. There used to
be a crew that kept up with them, but now that’s on me. It doesn’t take long
to make sure they’re cleaned and ready for the day’s tourists, but I sigh
when I notice one of the showers in the ladies’ room is leaking worse than it
was yesterday when I tried to fix it.

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