Hot for her Kidnapper by Pippa Little EPUB & PDF

Hot for her Kidnapper (DARK DESIRES) by Pippa Little EPUB & PDF

Hot for her Kidnapper (DARK DESIRES) by Pippa Little EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Pippa Little
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

There is nothing about the way I look that says I design watches. I’m not
just any designer, I’m Knox “The Sandman” Sanders. It was cool when
I was 19 and apprenticing for one of the most notable jewelers at that
time. Now?

“Mr. Sanders.” A scrawny-looking guy wearing Gold Royale Luxury
Transport’s signature black slacks and black button-up shirt with gold
pinstripes flags me down. The doors open automatically as I exit JFK
Airport in New York City. Every New Yorker has a love-hate relationship
with this place. As soon as I step out of the terminal, the foul-mouth tirades
of cab drivers arguing with NYPD officers determined to keep cars moving
through the Arrivals lane echo through the air.

Thunder crashes and lightning flashes after I settle into the back seat of
a private car service. I use the same service every time I fly into the city
because they’re quick, discreet, and understand the importance of getting
me from Point A to Point B in a reasonable amount of time. That’s the
problem when you find a routine that works. Once it works for you, it tends
to work for anyone tracking your movements.

There’s something different about this driver’s route to my home in
Brooklyn that’s making me fidget. My eyes scan the back seat for his
medallion or TLC license. The postcard-sized picture matches the guy
driving, so nothing’s wrong there. Still, I’m uncertain of where he’s heading.

“Hey, Paulie, is it? You should have stayed on the Belt, man. Taking
side streets is gonna take forever with the lights,” I tell him, checking the
watch on my wrist. It’s plain, but still a piece of art. Simplistic luxury is my
style and I take pride in making watches the same way.

“It’s cool, Mr. Sanders. Storm’s coming in and they got the Belt all tied
up with a flood warning. I figure this way we can get around it and hop
back on once we get away from Queens.” The driver’s laughter mixing with
his words doesn’t calm my suspicions.

In fact, it irritates me.
“It’s fine. Just pull over. I’ll call my buddy to come get me. This isn’t
what I signed up for when I ordered the service.”
“No, we’re so close, Mr. Sanders. I swear this will get you right where
you need to be.”

I groan, letting the driver take me through the underbelly of Queens to
get to Brooklyn. When he fails to get closer to any expressway, the hairs on
the back of my neck stand on end as we pull to a stop at a red light.
It all happens in the blink of an eye. The driver’s side window shatters
under the butt of some guy’s gun. The familiar sound of bullets cocked in
the chamber of an automatic weapon gets my adrenaline pumping.
“Out of the car,” the jacker yells.

Paulie’s not moving fast enough as the carjacker reaches in and yanks
him out of the seat, right through the window. There’s another masked
asshole with his gun pointing at the back door for me to get out. I’m in no
mood to catch a bullet and obey the order.

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