Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay EPUB & PDF

Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay EPUB & PDF

Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Paul Tremblay
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Horror
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.2 MB
  • Price: Free

Our little movie that couldn’t had a crew size that has become fluid in the
retelling, magically growing in the years since Valentina uploaded the
screenplay and three photo stills to various online message boards and three
brief scenes to YouTube in 2008. Now that I live in Los Angeles
(temporarily; please, I’m not a real monster) I can’t tell you how many
people tell me they know someone or are friends of a friend of a friend who
was on-set. Our set.

Like now. I’m having coffee with one of the producers of the Horror
Movie remake. Or is it a reboot? I’m not sure of the correct term for what it
is they will be doing. Is it a remake if the original film, shot more than thirty
years ago, was never screened? “Reboot” is probably the proper term but
not with how it’s applied around Hollywood.

Producer Guy’s name is George. Maybe. I’m pretending to forget his
name in retribution for our first meeting six months ago, which was over
Zoom. While I was holed up in my small, stuffy apartment, he was
outdoors, traipsing around a green space. He apologized for the sunglasses
and his bouncing, sun-dappled phone image in that I-can-do-whatever-Iwant way and explained he just had to get outside, get his steps in, because
he’d been stuck in his office all morning and he would be there all
afternoon. Translation: I deign to speak to you, however you’re not
important enough to interrupt a planned walk. A total power play. I was
tempted to hang up on him or pretend my computer screen froze, but I
didn’t. Yeah, I’m talking tougher than I am.

I couldn’t afford (in all
applications of that word) to throw away any chance, as slim as it might be,
to get the movie made. Within the winding course of our one-way
discussion in which I was nothing but flotsam in the current of his river, he
said he’d been looking for horror projects, as “horror is hot,” but because
everything happening in the real world was so grim, he and the studios
wanted horror that was “uplifting and upbeat.” His own raging waters were
too loud for him to hear my derisive snort-laugh or see my eye-roll. I didn’t
think anything would ever come from that chat.

In the past five years I’ve had countless calls with studio executives and
sycophantic producers who claimed to be serious about rebooting Horror
Movie and wanting me on board in a variety of non-decision-making, lowpay capacities, which equated to their hoping I wouldn’t shit on them or
their overtures publicly, as I and my character inexplicably have a small but
vociferous, or voracious, fan base.

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