Honeymoon for Seven by Chris Keniston EPUB & PDF

Honeymoon for Seven (HONEYMOON #7) by Chris Keniston EPUB & PDF

Honeymoon for Seven (HONEYMOON #7) by Chris Keniston EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Chris Keniston
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“How many people does it take to pack one suitcase?” Ginnie Ummarino
had been trying to pack for her cruise for most of the week, and every time
she opened the new wheeled luggage, someone would stick their two cents

“Four,” several voices chorused, punctuated with giggles.
Heaven knew that Ginnie loved her sisters Mina and Jo, and her mother
Antoinette with all her heart, but every once in a while, it was nice to be
able to make up her own mind without a group discussion. Or in this case,
pack a suitcase without Jo adding spiked heels, Mina taking out the granny
bathrobe, and her mother slipping in every over-the-counter medication
known to man. Anyone looking in her bag would think that a lady of the
evening was invading the Amazon jungle. The only med missing was snake
bite antidote, because her mother had cramps, nausea, migraines, diarrhea,
cuts and bruises covered.

“You have to take these.” Jo held out the strand of pearls that Ginnie
had bought on their first cruise together. She’d only been on two cruises in
her life and both her sisters had been with her each time. Going solo felt…

But she did agree about the pearls. “These will be perfect for formal
night.” That was the reason she’d bought them in the first place. That and a
treat for her practical self. All her life she’d been described as the practical
one of the Ummarino sisters. While she didn’t mind it, mostly because she
was practical, she didn’t love it either. Her one and only true recent
rebellion had been buying impractical pearls. Though it could be argued
since they fit in anywhere under any circumstances, the splurge was still,
well, practical.

“Now remember,” Jo sat down on the bed by the suitcase, “talk to
everyone. Don’t stay in your room.”

“And remember to smile.” Mina sat on the other side of the suitcase.
“Don’t get lost in your own thoughts, which causes you to frown.”
“I do not.” Hands tucking her favorite shorts into the corner of the
suitcase, her head snapped up to glare at her sister. “I smile all the time.”
“True.” Standing with her hands in the closet, her mother bobbed her
head. “A beautiful smile that would win over any good man, but you do get
lost in your own thoughts.”

And there her mother went with a good man routine again. Leaving on
the cruise was going to be easy. Enjoying herself wouldn’t be a chore, after
all, even on her own. A nice relaxing cruise would be a wonderful vacation,
but coming home alone, that was going to be difficult. Her mother seemed
to have come to the conclusion that all it would take to marry off her
stubbornly single daughters was a cruise. Especially since each one of her
sisters had come home with a fiancé after exactly that. Her mom was going
to be horribly disappointed when Ginnie returned as single as the day she
was born.

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