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Home Team Advantage (THE LONG ROAD HOME #18) by Abbie Zanders EPUB & PDF

Home Team Advantage (THE LONG ROAD HOME #18) by Abbie Zanders EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Abbie Zanders
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.2 MB
  • Price: Free

“I’m sorry, that position is no longer available.”
Anna blinked at the director, certain she’d heard wrong. The position
couldn’t not be available because she’d driven over six hundred miles to get

She took a calming breath, offered a small smile, and said evenly,
“There must be some mistake. Mrs. Kline said I had the job. Perhaps if you
talk to her, we could sort this out.”

Cold eyes stared back at her from an equally cold, stern expression. The
woman made the Wicked Witch of the West look downright motherly.
“Mrs. Kline had a family emergency and is out indefinitely. I am the
acting director in her absence. Perhaps if you’d arrived on your actual
starting date …”

“As I explained,” Anna said tightly, “I was delayed because my car was
stolen en route.”
“Yes, well, that is unfortunate, but we needed to fill the position
immediately. I’m sure you understand.” The woman’s attempt at a smile did
nothing to soften her expression. A sandblaster wouldn’t soften that

And no, Anna didn’t understand. Mrs. Kline had assured her a few days’
delay was acceptable under the circumstances. She’d lost nearly everything
when her car was stolen at that rest stop. It wasn’t even a particularly nice
car, and besides her stash of cash, it hadn’t contained anything valuable to
anyone but her. Clothes, comfortable shoes, personal products.
All of that would have to be replaced now. That wasn’t going to be easy
without a salary.

She needed money. Desperately. She could go without eating for a few
days, but March in Pennsylvania was too cold to go homeless. Without that
signing bonus, her plan of staying at a budget motel until she found an
affordable apartment was no longer an option.

Anna changed tactics. “I’m willing to work per diem relief, in case
someone calls in sick or has an unexpected emergency.”
The acting director sniffed. “We have a vetted list for that.”
“Since I was hired for this position, haven’t I already been vetted?”
“We need people we can count on, Miss Black. In other words,
employees who will show up on time and without excuses.”

Anna bit her tongue. There was no use begging. The woman wasn’t
going to change her mind. Nothing about her severe bun, pinched features,
and frigid eyes suggested even a hint of compassion. Which begged the
question, how did someone like her get a job in an assisted living facility,
where, according to their website, empathy and kindness were the
cornerstones of their institution? It was in their mission statement, for God’s

Then again, so much of the health care system had been taken over by
private businesses. It was more about making a profit than providing decent
care these days, no matter what taglines they put on their letterhead.
She tossed out her final hope.

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