His Undercover Wolf (MONSTER BRIDES ROMANCE) by Susan Horsnell EPUB & PDF

His Undercover Wolf (MONSTER BRIDES ROMANCE) by Susan Horsnell EPUB & PDF

His Undercover Wolf (MONSTER BRIDES ROMANCE) by Susan Horsnell EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Susan Horsnell
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

It had been a long ass day, tying up loose ends
on a housing scheme fraud case that me and my team had
spent months investigating. As was usual, we’d uncovered
despicable, unethical practices with four scumbags caring
nothing about defrauding the innocent public. The victims
were people that had worked hard for years and saved
every dime they could to buy their dream home, only to
have that dream shattered into tiny pieces by someone who
cared nothing for them and only for their money. Every
penny they had stolen had been squandered on the thieves
lavish lifestyles.

Over the past year we had painstakingly pieced
evidence together, dotting every ‘i’ and crossing every ‘t’ to
ensure we built a solid case for the prosecution that even
the best lawyers in the country would not be able to
successfully defend. The criminals were all currently being
held on no bail, and I expected the three men, and one
woman would be spending a very long time in prison. If by
some miracle they were released back onto the streets, our
pack, known by those in our inner circle as The Revengers,
would be waiting. One way or another they would answer
for the lives they had crushed and would never defraud
anyone else.

I punched in the final details and sent the email off to
the Department of Public Prosecution who had scheduled
the four court cases. All would be dealt with separately
which I had been disappointed to hear. From experience,
the jury was always more affected when a group of
criminals were held up before them. Still, I had to trust the
department knew what they were doing. Now the case was
done, I looked forward to some down time before the next
one crossed my desk.

My boss—Captain Landon Sajan, a twenty-six-year
veteran of the Langer Falls City Police Force, with most of it
in the corporate fraud squad, dropped a thick folder onto
my desk, startling me from my thoughts of a few days to
myself. The folder landed with a soft thud and sent dust
motes dancing in the air. I turned away from the computer
screen and gazed up into his face.

Landon had been happily married for twenty years and
they had three teenage sons. The eldest had recently joined
the force and was doing well at the academy, or so Landon
insisted proudly. Landon had been hopeful his son would
follow in his footsteps, but Zucan had chosen to commence
on the path toward being a part of the drug squad.

Landon was a good boss, a details man who could see
inconsistencies others missed and he contributed a great
deal to our team even though his days were spent behind a
desk while I was in charge of the rest of the team who were
boots on the streets. Or backsides on seats studying
computer information.

Landon sat in a chair on the other side of my desk, and
I pulled the folder closer, flipping it open.
“Team!” Landon called and everyone immediately
hustled from their desks to where we sat.

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