His Hunter (OMEGAS AFTER DARK #1) by MM Farmer EPUB & PDF

His Hunter (OMEGAS AFTER DARK #1) by MM Farmer EPUB & PDF

His Hunter (OMEGAS AFTER DARK #1) by MM Farmer EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: MM Farmer
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.9 MB
  • Price: Free

Wealthy people sure knew how to throw a party. At least my parents
did. They’d pulled out all the stops for this one, hosting it in their
penthouse apartment in downtown Barrington that took up the
entire top floor of the towering building. There were floor to ceiling
windows in the vast living room that looked out on two sides of the city.
The glittering, nighttime skyline of Barrington was the highlight view now,
but during the day, the spectacular view of the beach and the ocean beyond
were the star of the show.

I stood by one of the windows, gazing past the sparkling, expensive
skyline to the blackness of the mountains and forests beyond. It was the one
part of the view that I had to crane my neck to actually see, which was
fitting. I’d been uncomfortable in my parents’ world since the day I was

The flash and spectacle of the city was at my feet, literally and
figuratively, mine for the taking, thanks to my parents’ name and money.
The beach was always there as an option when I wanted to show off my
svelte, omega body and end up with some kind of racy photo in the gossip
section of the papers that only rich people read. I could have whatever I
wanted, as long as it fit into the neat little gem-encrusted box of the superrich.

The mountains were what I truly wanted, though. They had always
intrigued me. Nature intrigued me. It was the opposite of the glitz and
glamour of my parents’ world. The mountains were cool and calm. They
had an air of mystery to them, an air of escape. With a slight edge of danger,
of course.

I wasn’t sure which excited me more, the escape or the danger.
No, that was a lie. At the moment, what pulsed through me and tugged
at every cell of my being was the need to escape. I had to escape the
shallow, stilted existence I’d been born into. I had to escape the
perfectionism I was held to and the sheer emptiness of it all. I had to do
more than look pretty in designer clothes and keep my parents’ name in the
papers by appearing at gallery openings and fashion shows. I wasn’t sure
how much longer I could be nothing but another bangle on my mother’s
wrist, or another byline in my father’s newspaper empire. If I had to be
someone’s trophy for another second, I’d—

I’d do absolutely nothing. Because it was already too late for me. My
fate was sealed. That was what the party was all about.

“Ari, come away from the window and socialize with your guests,” my
mother said, smiling perfectly as usual and looking like she genuinely
enjoyed the spectacle she’d spearheaded. Well, the party planner she’d hired
had spearheaded it, but she’d supervised the professionals.

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