His Heat (SNOWFLAKE FALLS FIRE DEPARTMENT #2) by Jessa Joy EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jessa Joy
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Have I made a huge mistake?
Doing what I’m told, being the good girl; that’s my comfort zone.
Mainly because I was never given the choice to do anything but toe the line.
Look pretty, make polite chit-chat, and never, ever complain could be our
family motto. I could teach a masterclass on how to pretend you’re having a
wonderful time.

Something inside me rebelled. I couldn’t go through with the carefully
planned trajectory my parents had planned out for me. So now I’m wearing
a white silk wedding gown on a mountain high above the small town of
Snowflake Falls. And my cell phone doesn’t work.

The overwhelming sense of dread that had been growing through the
engagement woke me up at four this morning. The morning of my wedding
day. The dread was replaced with calm certainty; if I went through with
this, I’d regret it for the rest of my life.

Water drips from my soaked hair. Hell, even my French lingerie is damp
under the layers of embroidered silk ruffles. Strapped to me is an even
damper backpack. Inside are the clothes I was wearing before I changed
into my gown at the hotel. Stuffed in the top is the light jacket I threw on
over the dress when I caught the train. The back is laced up and I’m going
to need someone to help me out of it.
I stop walking, bunching up the stupidly ruffled skirt of my increasingly
muddy gown. A crow caws from up above me and it sounds like a bitter

“Laugh all you want bird. I’m going to turn this around,” I mutter,
trying to tie the skirt around my waist so it doesn’t drag in the mud. The
trees around me are dense and so high it’s hard to get a look at the sky. Not
that I’d know which direction I’m pointing in, because I navigate by
landmarks anyway. Which is a problem when you don’t recognize any of

I should have asked that group of loggers where to go, but instead, I
turned around and ran. I don’t trust anyone not to recognize me and report
where I am. I need breathing time away from my family. Now, lost and
cold, I’m regretting not asking for help.

I head back in the direction I saw the logging team. The rain is getting
harder. My sneakers slide on the increasingly muddy ground, not helped by
the steep gradient of the mountain. All the trees look the same. The air is
damp and fresh, a welcome contrast to the dry heat of the city.

When I last visited my cousin Brianna, the space and light on a sunny
day felt like freedom. Now I’m like a tiny, scared acorn rattling around in
this huge forest. The reality hits me. I could die out here, wandering for
miles. What happens when night comes? I have zero survival skills. What
the hell was I thinking?

A solitary tear mingles with the raindrops, followed quickly by another.
I’ve been holding everything in for so long, it’s like once it starts I can’t

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