Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert EPUB & PDF

Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert EPUB & PDF

Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Author Name: Talia Hibbert
  • Book Genre: Fiction
  • ISBN # 
  • Edition Language: English
  • Date of Publication: January 3, 2023
  • File Format: PDF / EPUB
  • PDF / EPUB File Size: 3 MB

It’s the first day of school and I’m already being forced to socialize.
“I’m dead serious,” Nicky Cassidy says, his eyes wide and his acidwash shirt stained with what looks like tomato sauce. “Juice WRLD is
alive, Celine. The planet needs to know.”

My TikTok account has 19,806 followers—@HowCeline SeesIt, feel
free to take me to 20K—so God knows how I’m supposed to inform the
entire planet of anything. Besides, I make videos about UFOs and vaccines
(conclusion: I believe in both) and that guy who hijacked a plane and
literally vanished with the ransom money. I don’t make videos about
people’s tragic deaths because it’s rude and tacky.

Also, I don’t take requests. For God’s sake, I am a conspiracy theorist.
There must be some glamor in that, or else what’s the point?
“Sorry, Nicky,” I reply. “Still no.”

He is appalled by my lack of sensitivity to his cause. “You’re joking.”
“Almost never.”
“Fine. If you don’t want to tell the truth, I’ll do it. Your TikTok’s shit
anyway.” He storms off, leaving me to cross campus on my own.
So much for Mum’s hope that I’ll make more friends this year.

Oh well. I inhale the warm September air and stride through the
school’s higgledy-piggledy pathways alone. Rosewood Academy is a
rambling maze, but this is my final year, so I know it like I know Beyoncé’s
discography. It takes five minutes to reach the Beech Hut—aka our sixthform common area/cafeteria, a tiny, musty building that begs to be knocked
down. I snag my usual table by the noticeboard and get on with the very
important business of ignoring everyone around me.

I’m on my phone stitching together some footage of cows that I filmed
this weekend for a video about the possibility of cannibalistic bovine
overlords running the beef industry when my best friend slides into the
chair beside me and waves a glossy leaflet in my face.
“Have you seen this?” Michaela demands, her pink curls vibrating with

“I haven’t,” I say, “and if you put my eye out with it, I never will.”
“Don’t be miserable. Look.” She slams down the flyer and crows,
“Katharine Breakspeare!” Then she clicks her tongue piercing against her
teeth, which is Minnie’s personal version of a mic drop.
It works. I fall all over that shiny piece of paper like it’s a plate of

There she is: Katharine Breakspeare, her wide mouth severe (no
ladylike smiles for Katharine, thank you very much) and her hair perfectly
blown out. They did a whole article in Vogue about that blowout, which is
ridiculous considering Katharine’s famous for her trailblazing career in
human rights law.

Commentators call this woman the James Bond of the
courtroom because she’s so damn cool; she’s won at least three
internationally significant, high-profile cases in the last five years; she
bought her mother an entire compound back in Jamaica to retire to. And
Vogue is talking about her hair. I mean, yes, the hair is gorgeous, but come
on, people.
Katharine Breakspeare is the blueprint and one day I’m going to be her,
building my mum a house in Sierra Leone.

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