Highlander’s Wounds of Eternity by Agnes McNair EPUB & PDF

Highlander’s Wounds of Eternity (IMMORTAL HIGHLANDERS #1) by Agnes McNair EPUB & PDF

Highlander’s Wounds of Eternity (IMMORTAL HIGHLANDERS #1) by Agnes McNair EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Agnes McNair
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“I cannae understand why the yeoman farmers dinnae hire mercenaries to
guard their wheat harvest,” Isla Cunningham told her sister. “If I had a
nice harvest to take to market, the least I would do is spend a few
shillings on protecting it.”

Her sister ignored her, but it was not out of rudeness. Colleen
Cunningham was a renowned healer and paid close attention to any elixir
she was brewing. “Colleen!” Isla scolded. “I said something. The least ye
can do is listen.”

That made Colleen turn her head away from the fire and say, “Can ye
repeat it please, dear Isla? I’m afraid that me mind was leagues away.” Of
course, Isla repeated her statement. The two sisters were incredibly close,
sharing everything in their modest lives. Colleen, the eldest, prepared the
potions and elixirs the villagers used to heal themselves from the flux, the
fever, and the doldrums. Isla was the one who stood behind the counter at
the village market and sold their wares. This was the perfect arrangement
and suited the two girls’ temperaments: Colleen was shy and Isla, the
younger of the two, always enjoyed a good chat with visitors to the market.

The difference in their characters could be seen in their appearance.
Colleen was of average height and her hair could only be described as
brown. But on no account was this thought to be a disadvantage; her brown
hair framed a face that was arrestingly pretty. Colleen Cunningham had the
most gorgeous amber eyes fringed with long lashes and supported by soft
rosebud lips. When she was embarrassed, her cheeks would blush pink too
and when she was happy, her eyes sparkled like marigolds in June.

Isla’s hair was lighter and brighter than her sister’s, just like Isla’s
demeanor. The younger Cunningham girl was fond of a chat and a jest,
always on the hunt for something to tease her more staid sister about. Isla
had a lot of fodder to help her poke fun at her sister—Colleen was by far
the most sought-after maiden around. Young men came from miles away to
offer Colleen posies or spend a few moments in her demure company. All of
which made Isla hoot with laughter.

But despite this outward demonstration of jocularity, the two sisters
loved one another more than life itself. As Colleen would always say, they
were all each other had at the end of the day. They enjoyed discussing
incidents and events happening in the countryside around them. The
Cunninghams had built their cottage a few miles outside the village, to be
closer to the forest and fields where they could harvest herbs and flowers
with greater ease.

“Oor farmers must pinch every penny, Isla,” Colleen replied to her
sister’s question, “because since the laird died withoot an heir, the strongest
lairds want to be the ones getting tax from the villagers.”
“Och,” Isla huffed and rolled her eyes. “I hate all this useless chat aboot
taxes and lairds.”

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