Hidden By Fate and Masks by Krysta Fox EPUB & PDF

Hidden By Fate and Masks by Krysta Fox EPUB & PDF

Hidden By Fate and Masks by Krysta Fox EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Krysta Fox
  • Language: English
  • Genre: fantasy romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 7 MB
  • Price: Free


I kept my hands hanging loose at my sides. The woman relaxing back
onto the throne in front of me might look like easy prey, but the guards
I knew were hidden in the shadows around the room were not. I was easily
outnumbered. And I hadn’t come here for a fight. Not this time at least.
“Thank you for coming, Prince Vanir.” She practically purred the words,
and the satisfaction in them made me want to grind my teeth. I had to be
smart, but the urge to lash out at the smug woman was strong.
I bowed. “It’s always an honor to visit our neighbors. Your hospitality
never fails to surprise.”

The only sign she recognized the implied insult in my words was a
narrowing of her eyes, but she smoothed her face a moment later. “You will
always be welcome here, of course, Prince. Your family as well.”
Her mention of my family raised an alarm in my mind. Lena, my younger
sister, had been traveling with our cousin, Draven. Their route shouldn’t
have taken them close to Queen Glenna’s borders. But we hadn’t received
word they’d arrived and the teams we’d sent out searching for them hadn’t
found any sign of where they’d gone. Glenna’s smile sharpened and I did
my best to keep my face neutral. I didn’t flinch, though it was an effort to
keep my body still.

“Storms come and go, Vanir,” she said, her gaze drifting to the tall
windows, where the evening sun filtered through the glass, bathing the
space around us in bloody light. “Sometimes the winds blow in your favor,
and other times, they will tear you apart.”

A small whimper pulled my gaze to the space behind the Queen’s throne.
My sister stood there, her dress dirty, and there were scratches on her hands
that I could see as she grasped the front of her skirt. A dark mark on the
deathly pale skin of her cheek looked suspiciously like a bruise. Every
instinct in me told me to run to her, to pull her away from the three guards
that were ranged behind her. I forced myself to stay still. My sister’s wide
eyes met mine and she gave the slightest shake of her head. Confirming
what I already knew.

Rushing to her aid would do neither of us any good. I
cleared my throat and offered my most charming smile to the queen.
“Our family thanks you for safeguarding our princess. We have been
searching for her and her companions for some time.” The words felt like
acid on my tongue, but they had to be said to maintain appearances.

The queen tipped her head to the side as she looked at me. It was an
examination, and I didn’t flinch, didn’t shift under her gaze. Fury coiled in
my belly. This was a game to her. The beast that was the source of my

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