Hexennacht by C.M. Nascosta EPUB & PDF

Hexennacht by C.M. Nascosta EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: C.M. Nascosta
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The trouble all started the day the cat appeared in her garden, as most
trouble did.
Ladybug jerked up sharply from where she was bent over her worktable,
hearing the somewhat-familiar yowl of the little cat she fed each day.
It wasn’t her pet, not truly.

The cat was a stray, as feral and untamed as the
wilds beyond the neatly manicured medicinal garden it had chosen as its
home. Ladybug put out a dish of food each morning and evening, hoping
against hope that the cat would decide that particular day was as good as
any to retire from its life outdoors. To leave behind an era of roughing it,
living like a little gremlin in the dirt, choosing instead to snuggle with the
owner of a big Victorian before the fireplace and eat her homemade food in
the warmth of the big work kitchen instead of under the garden bench . . .
but that day had yet to arrive.

She had only ever managed to trap the beast once — taking it to the vet to
be spayed and vaccinated, and since then, the small cat fled at the tiniest
hint of her approach. Anzan had proven able to scoop her up with little
effort, possessing both the preternatural ability to sneak silently and an
Araneaen’s terrifying speed, forcing down her dewormer and other
necessary supplements throughout the year. He’d also rigged a solarpowered heat system for the shed, giving the garden cat a warm shelter
through the harsh winter, and likely delighting both the groundhog who
lived beneath the outbuilding and the birds who nested in the eaves.

She fretted less as a result, but hearing her little friend’s sharp sound of
distress now sent Ladybug hurrying to the work kitchen window in alarm.
They’d hit that patch of unseasonably warm weather in February, when
the sun shone brightly each afternoon, melting the dregs of snow and ice
that remained from January, turning the outside into a muddy, mucky mess.

It was only a matter of time before another cold snap reminded them that
while spring might be on the way, winter still had a bit of icy breath in
store. The warm spell meant more animals bustling about, and there could
be any manner of predator in the garden.

The cat was there, Ladybug could see from the window, her little tabby
body curled beneath the stone bench on the flagstone pathway, hissing up at
something unseen. It could be a hawk, or a coyote, or a loose dog.
Whatever it was, they needed to go. Stepping through the doorway, she
prepared herself to shoo away some sky predator, or perhaps a wandering
tomcat, searching out a receptive mate.

A black shape leapt down from its perch high atop the garden wall,
landing gracefully before her on the flagstones as she yelped in surprise. It
was a tomcat, but the realization did not leave her feeling any less unsettled.
The tabby fled

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