Hex and the City by Kate Johnson EPUB & PDF

Hex and the City by Kate Johnson EPUB & PDF

Hex and the City by Kate Johnson EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kate Johnson
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal Witches & Wizards Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Essie Winterscale was on her way home from the village shop with
two bottles of wine and a pint of ice cream when she saw the vision
that would almost change the world for ever.
Like most witch premonitions it was neither clear nor helpful,
consisting mostly of ‘a really weird feeling about that minicab driving past’
overlaid with ‘oh so that’s how we’re all going to die’.

The shopping bag hit the footpath, and a sudden heat stole over Essie, as
if the world was suddenly burning. ‘But it’s September,’ she said out loud.
There were Michaelmas daisies growing in clumps around the duck pond,
and that meant summer was basically over.
She turned to look at the flowers, and as she did so the tall purple
daisies grew long forked tongues.

‘That’s new,’ she said.
She shook her head, and the flowers returned to normal. It was late
September in the village of Good Winter: no more summer tourists around
the duck pond, all the children back at school, the odd plume of woodsmoke
coming from the older chimneys. There was a nip in the air, and the cool
promise of autumn, and the calm Essie always felt as the Earth began to
slow down for winter.
The minicab had disappeared.
Essie swiped sweat from her forehead. The day simply wasn’t that

‘You all right, love?’ said a voice, and Essie looked round into a face
made of bones topped by violet hair. ‘Essie, isn’t it?’
She blinked, and the violet hair belonged to Mrs Sockburn the cleaning
lady, who had never got the hang of a blue rinse. Her skin was lined and
powdery, with not a hint of bone showing now.
Essie stared at the flowers, which were normal, and at the Common,
which was normal, and Mrs Sockburn, who was… well, as normal as she’d
ever been.

‘Uh yeah. Yes. Fine. How are you, Mrs Sockburn? How’s your son
getting on with his twins?’
‘Well, I tell you what, love, a phone call now and then wouldn’t go
amiss. He wants to do some zoomy thing, with a computer-pad or
something. I’m sure I don’t know.’
Essie considered explaining video calls, and decided that even if she
lived for another thousand years she wouldn’t have the time.

‘Oh, and I tell you what. Remember old Agatha Cropley?’
Essie brought to mind a frail woman who had spent the last months of
her life in a care home, where the only name in the visitor’s book was
Essie’s. ‘Of course. Lovely service for her,’ she lied, because there had
hardly been anyone but Essie and her coven at the soulless crematorium.
‘Wasn’t it,’ said Mrs Sockburn, who definitely hadn’t been there. ‘Well,
anyway, her house has been sold or rented or something. There’s a new fella
there.’ She sniffed, and patted her hair, which had the rigidity of carbon
fibre. ‘I can’t see him staying. Place is in a shocking state.’
‘I thought you were doing the housekeeping there?’ Essie said.

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