Her Golden Heart by Miranda Martin EPUB & PDF

Her Golden Heart (RED PLANET FATED MATES #7) by Miranda Martin EPUB & PDF

Her Golden Heart (RED PLANET FATED MATES #7) by Miranda Martin EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Miranda Martin
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.6 MB
  • Price: Free

“There isn’t a choice,” Nyanna says, shaking her head. “I hate to put
it this bluntly, but we are screwed.”
No one in the room speaks up. I don’t either because what am I going to
say? She summed it up in pretty much the same words I would use.
Screwed is accurate but I may have said it with a bit more color since none
of the kids are here.

The refrigerator was broken and we didn’t have the parts to fix it. No
refrigerator and we were in trouble. We were down to the last of the dried
rations that had survived the crashing of the ship to this planet, or, in other
words, not much. The alien Zmaj had been a blessing in more ways than
one. They had begun hunting meat and other food sources for us, which is
great, but what they brought needed to be kept cool or it would spoil. And
there are too many of us to feed without keeping the meat safe for longer

Nyanna looks at each of us in turn and every person in casts their eyes
down and away. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I’ve had a good
life. More than I could ever have asked for, if I’m being honest. If I’m
going to die, it might as well be at least trying to do something good.
Something that will help make sure my children, grandchildren, and newly
born great-grandchild survive.

“I’ll go,” I say, raising my hand as I open my eyes and meet Nyanna’s
steady gaze with one of my own.
The surprise on her face is so clear it might as well be a searchlight
illuminating a night sky. Her mouth parts into an o shape as her eyebrows
raise almost to her hairline.

“Marge you don’t—”
“No,” I cut her off. “I do. I’ll go.”
The others who had gathered in my kitchen shuffled their feet
uncomfortable but not disagreeing with my offer. They may want to speak
up, or at least feel like they should anyway, but no one does. I get it. It feels
wrong to send the old lady out into the desert on what is quite likely a
suicide mission, but they don’t have my viewpoint on it.

They don’t know me that well or know what a good life I’ve had. That I’ve
known love. I’ve raised my family and by the grace of all the Gods that
ever were most of them survived the crash to this forsaken planet.
And, everyone gathered here still has so much life ahead of them. Some of
them haven’t even found love. They don’t yet know the touch of a lover’s
caress, or the joy that can be found in sharing a morning cup with your

I’ve had all that and more. My husband died years ago and sure I’ve been
lonely and alone since, but I’ve never been unhappy. I loved and that part of
my life ended when I lost him, but I’ve found every bit as much joy in what
my life became after. Spending time with my children, my grandkids, and
my first great-grandchild

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