Her Best Friend’s Filthy Dad by Lena Little EPUB & PDF

Her Best Friend’s Filthy Dad by Lena Little EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Lena Little
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Fucking hell.”
I pull into the parking lot, and it’s absolutely mobbed, so full of cars
that I have to circle three times before giving up and parking half on the
curb so I won’t end up even later than I already am. Fuck it. A parking
ticket is a small price to pay to make sure I don’t miss my daughter’s midsemester performance.
I barely get to see her since she moved for college two years ago, but I try
to make sure I get here for important events when I can. Hopefully, if my
transfer to the new office gets approved, I’ll be able to be here much sooner.

I was only eighteen when I became a dad, but I was determined to make the
most of things. Laura’s mom and I were never more than a fling, but we got
along well enough to make sure Laura got to see us both growing up.
It’s still insane to me that the little girl who used to fall over spinning
around in my living room is twenty now and attending a prestigious dance
college at that. Though how she doesn’t still fall over doing those rapid
turns she does is a mystery to me.

I rush to make the last of the queue outside the theater, offering the door
steward a grateful smile as they close the door behind me. Me and the other
late-comers file into the theater, and I’m glad I pre-booked a good seat
because this place is just as packed as the parking lot outside.
I take my seat as the entrance music begins to play, and a stern-looking
woman takes the stage, introducing herself as the Principal of the dance
program and giving a long speech about the performance.
I zone out, flicking through the program leaflet until the woman stops
talking and the actual performances begin.

Laura made me promise not to embarrass her, but I can’t help but stand and
cheer as she bows at the end of her solo, ensuring she hears me over the
applause. My daughter glances up to where I’m cheering, breaking
character to smile and shake her head a little, before she sweeps off the
stage to the wings.

I’m prepared to zone out again until the showcase is over and the afterparty
begins when I can give Laura the flowers I brought to congratulate her and
take her out to dinner.

But when the next dancer takes the stage, I find that I can’t look away.
The dancer folds herself into a starting pose, arms spread outward like
wings and toes pointed, chin raised so the stage lights illuminate her face.
Blonde hair is slicked away from her face in a classic bun, and her pale skin
glitters with some sort of makeup, adding to the way she glows. She’s soft
and elegant, utterly entrancing as she begins her dance.

The pale pink dress she wears flutters around her hips and waist as she
spins on her toes, making her look like some sort of ethereal creature, far
too perfect to be human. A fairy perhaps, elegant and magical and

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