Her Alien Stepbrother by Michele Mills EPUB & PDF

Her Alien Stepbrother by Michele Mills EPUB & PDF

Her Alien Stepbrother by Michele Mills EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Michele Mills
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB

My father, the Don of the Hyrrokin mafia, ordered me to escort my
young stepsister from the Omega 9 space station back to her new
home on Tarvos.

At first it seemed an easy enough task, and a natural way to ensure my
new sibling was on my side, prior to her introduction to the rest of our
thieving, bloodthirsty clan. But the assignment turned into an unmitigated

I was unable to find this mysterious child I was sent to retrieve. And the
time spent searching for her on the station was a complete waste of mental
and physical energy. Never again do I want to navigate those chaotic, warrenlike housing levels that exist only on Omega 9. Speaking to (and roughing
up) a variety of beings led to zero leads. It was a house of horrors. Late last
night I returned home via transporter disk, empty-clawed and exhausted, and
promptly fell into a deep slumber.

This morning I remain highly irritated and not entirely sure why.
Maybe because I learned I have a twenty-five-year-old half-brother living
on Omega 9 that no one ever fucking bothered to tell me about. And he was
kept from me my whole life.
I grasp my warm cup of Traq with a tighter grip. A growl rumbles in my

Or I could be angry because my father not only kept this brother from me,
but also recently took legal vows with a human female who has a young
daughter from a former mating, which means I now have a new human
stepmother and a stepsister. And I haven’t met either of them yet.
Or maybe my irritation simply stems from the unclaimed red fabric still
tucked away in my pocket, which taunts me daily. How can I possibly remain
calm when my future bound is still unfound?

Last season, I traveled with my father for an annual meeting with the
Intergalatic Mafia Council and found this scarf left behind in a booth at the
VIP lounge on the main transporter station on Salo. The scent emanating
from that silky fabric exploded in my lungs. I immediately began a hunt for
the owner, but she was already long gone. And her identity still eludes me; all
I know is that she is human. Her name and her features are a complete
mystery. But my body has latched onto her pheromones, and the scent from
that fabric—my only clue to her identity—tortures me with no end in sight. I
need this female, the owner of this red scarf, because I am certain she is my
bound and the mother of future Brimstones.

Meanwhile, I steam with low-level rage and recline in my favorite chair.
Black smoke wafts from my flared nostrils as I sip my favorite brand of
morning Traq. “I still can’t believe Father took a new bound,” I grouse to my
two enforcers. “We were unable to find my stepsister on that entire space
“I can’t believe we couldn’t find her either,” Rojer growls as he leans his
thick body back into his creaking chair. “We’re good at this; it’s what we do.
Normally all we need is a name and a location and we can bring that being to

“I’ve found beings with less info,” Jak snorts.
“Right? We found that human locked away in that fancy gated
community, living next door to Dr. Brimstone, didn’t we? We got past
Molten Lava so Prince could scent her. That wasn’t easy.”
They both steam-chuckle and bump their fists together.

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