Hellfire Witch (SILVER WOLVES OF LOCKWOOD #4) by Whitney Morsillo EPUB & PDF

Hellfire Witch (SILVER WOLVES OF LOCKWOOD #4) by Whitney Morsillo EPUB & PDF

Hellfire Witch (SILVER WOLVES OF LOCKWOOD #4) by Whitney Morsillo EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Whitney Morsillo
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.9 MB
  • Price: Free

Teal binding stares at me from the table beside the bed. Mocking me. I’m
torn between burning Monique’s journal down to ashes and throwing the
burnt pile as far from me as possible—just to get anything she’s touched
away from me—or cracking the cover open to discover whatever messed up
secrets she’s kept from me. At least ones I haven’t already discovered.
Ruya’s vision flickers through my mind every time I close my eyes, and
tears burn at the back of my throat. Wren’s blood soaked hair fanned out
around her head, her too-still body lying on the castle floor at Monique’s
feet, Jules chained to the wall, screaming and sobbing. My heart splinters a
little more each time it plays through my head.

Rolling onto my back, I hear the front door shutting softly, just loud
enough for me to hear. For the last twenty-four hours, Brent and his team
have been camped in the kitchen with Chloe, Mila, Frank, and Gideon—
every wolf and witch we can use to track the mysterious castle down, and
no progress has been made.

“Just open it.”
My head whips toward the window, finding Kaylus perched on the ledge
and tilting his head at me. He hops inside, nudging the journal with his

“Maybe there’s a clue to help us.”
Chewing on my lip, I reach for the notebook, but as my fingers brush the
corner, bile rises in my throat and blackness crowds the edges of my vision.
I snap my hand back and shake my head. “Whatever is in there, it’s… dark,
Kaylus. I don’t know if I can even touch it, forget about actually reading it.”
I blow out a breath and stare up at the ceiling.

You can’t sit here and do nothing forever, princess.
Scowling, I mumble back at my wolf, “What am I supposed to do? A
tracking spell I don’t know how to use? Or pick up a scent that doesn’t

Her laugh is bitter as it echoes around my mind. So much progress in the
last few weeks, yet here you are, still waiting for the world to become fair
and simple. Listen to your familiar, and open the damn book.
My heart pounds against my ribs, making my chest ache. I glance again
at the journal, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end.

Trust me to protect you, and trust your true strength.
Shoving my fear aside, I take a deep breath and grab the journal, pulling
it off the table and into my lap. Vomit threatens at my lips, and the gray
quilt covering my lap is the last thing I see before the darkness encroaches
at the edges of my vision before swallowing me completely.

My eyes snap open, and I surge to my feet, only to trip over something
caught around my legs. I twist and fall onto my side, the world spinning
around me as I lay there gasping for breath.

“Adara?” Gideon’s worried voice comes from the doorway behind me,
his hurried footsteps moving closer. His hands grasp my shoulders, pulling
me into his chest as he sits back on his heels. “What happened? Are you

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