Heartwaves (GREYFIN BAY #1) by Anita Kelly EPUB & PDF

Heartwaves (GREYFIN BAY #1) by Anita Kelly EPUB & PDF

Heartwaves (GREYFIN BAY #1) by Anita Kelly EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Anita Kelly
  • Language: English
  • Genre: LGBTQ
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

THE FIRST TIME Mae Kellerman saw the ocean, she screamed.
At least, her parents had always described the memory as such: a long
howl, torn from their toddler’s chest at the first crash of a wave.
Accompanied by vicious kicks into Mae’s mother’s stomach, a pounding at
shoulders her parents first interpreted as fear. And so Jodi DupontKellerman had hugged her toddler tighter, shielding her bonneted head from
the wind with a hand, until her husband Felix suggested they try putting
baby Mae’s feet down in the sand.

And the moment they hit, Mae was off. Running in the half-sideways,
mostly-drunk way of toddlers toward the green-blue of the Atlantic.
Her howl turned more shrill, chubby fists rising in the air, until
gradually, Jodi and Felix understood it was a cry of wonder. One Mae kept
up the entire time Felix lifted her through the shallows of the waves, the
sound refusing to leave Mae’s body no matter how Jodi and Felix tried to
calm her. Until, eventually, laughing and holding palms over their ears, they
walked away from the sand back to their old Subaru, to give Mae’s growing
lungs a rest.

Forty years later, Mae gazed at a different ocean and rather felt like
screaming again. Until her lungs once more wore themselves out. Until the
waves told her what to do.

Instead, she sipped too-hot green tea from a paper cup.
And glanced back, again, at the building behind her. Wide slats of worn,
dark wood ran up both stories, like a saloon in an old Western. Like it was
weathered half by sea salt, half by tumbleweed.
A faded red and white sign hung in its picture window, above a chipped
sill covered in dust.

For Sale by Owner
Mae’s eyes flicked back toward Main Street. It was rare on the Oregon
Coast, a shoreline almost completely protected by state law, to have a
commercial strip so close to the sea. She studied the small café across the
way where she’d acquired this green tea, the waves of the Pacific visible
behind it. To the left, a kiosk for whale watching tours. Just past that, a set
of wide, concrete steps, leading down to the shore. Mist rose off the sand as
the morning warmed, burning off the wet damp of night. Revealing more of
the cliffs that stood at either end of the beach: lichen-covered brackets for
both the shallow bay and the town that hugged it.

She wasn’t supposed to be here.
She was supposed to be in Newport, at the very least, visiting her
parents before heading back home. She was supposed to be in Portland. She
had to return to work tomorrow at the community center after almost two
weeks away.

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