Healing Grief by James Van Praagh EPUB & PDF

Healing Grief by James Van Praagh EPUB & PDF

Healing Grief by James Van Praagh EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: James Van Praagh
  •  Publishing Date: April 1, 2001
  •  ISBN: 0451201698
  •  Language: English
  •  Genre: Spiritualism, Love & Romance
  •  Format: PDF/ePub
  •  Size: 1 MB
  •  Page: 304
  •  Price: Free

N o matter where we live or what language we speak, we share a common
experience with everyone else on the planet—the loss of someone or something
close to us. Loss can be sudden, without warning, or predictable, and still we are
unable to prevent it from happening. All loss brings up feelings and memories,
and for some these experiences may seem uneventful, while for others such loss
changes the course of their lives forever. When someone or something is gone
from our lives, we experience an array of physical, emotional, and spiritual
sensations known as grief.

Webster’s Dictionary defines grief as “a deep and
poignant distress caused by or as if by bereavement; a cause of such suffering; a
mishap, misadventure, trouble, annoyance; an unfortunate outcome: disaster.”
Why is there grief and why do we have to go through it? Grief serves a very
important purpose. It is a reaction to our loss. It represents our underlying sense
of insecurity. Our fears of abandonment and feelings of vulnerability rise to the
surface, forcing us to face them.

The world upon which we predicated our belief
systems, goals, and our lives in general is suddenly out of control. We feel scared
and exposed. Most of us don’t want to deal with or feel these negative emotions,
and yet they are just as relevant and as important to our well-being as our
positive feelings. We need both positive and negative to be fully human. It has
been said that one would never appreciate the positive emotions if he never
knew of the negative ones.

That is why it is so important to face negative
emotions and experience them because by doing so, we build trust and
confidence within ourselves. The worst thing we can do is to deny and repress
them altogether. This only delays our spiritual growth.

Another factor to keep in mind is that grief is not an illness from which we
recover. It is not merely one thing, but a process of feelings and physical
conditions, and one cannot judge how much grief is enough grief. You should
never feel pressured as to how you are supposed to grieve, for there is no right or
wrong way. It is important to remember that there are healthy and constructive
ways to go through the grieving process, as well as destructive and unhealthy
ones, which can lead to more suffering.

Every time a loved one dies, we lose a little hope of a better future. A human
being has been torn from our lives. A relationship is cut off in one swift blow.
We feel frustrated, angry, sad, and confused. We feel regret for things undone
and words unsaid. We wonder why the innocent or good die young, and the
good-for-nothings live too long.

Grieving for our loved ones is not an intellectual
process. We have to learn to understand our own feelings and come to peace
with the situation. Even when a personality or a celebrity dies, we go through a
grieving process. It all depends on how much vested interest we had in such a
person. We may experience his or her death as a personal loss

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