He Will Always Love Me by Athena Storm EPUB & PDF

He Will Always Love Me by Athena Storm EPUB & PDF

He Will Always Love Me by Athena Storm EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Athena Storm
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.5 MB
  • Price: Free

“My friends, we must sing the Song of Creation and forge a ship to
take us into the stars.”
I look around at the other Ishani surrounding me. We are fewer
than two dozen now, many of us lost to the ravages of war. Bodies litter the
banks nearby, and Kalchuk proposes the answer is to run away?
I can’t tell if he’s gone mad. Perhaps we all are at this rate. So, I look at
everyone else’s expressions, studying their sad golden faces. Some of them
seem to perk up at the idea, while others look irritated or share my

“We’re surrounded by death here,” I mutter to Renari, my oldest and
closest friend. “I don’t think there’s anything left to create.”
He shakes his head, ruffling his wings reflexively behind him. “We
can’t give up while we still have the chance to rebuild. Even if we have to
go somewhere else, we can start over. We can consider it a genesis of our
own,” he offers.

“Eventually, the Ataxians and the Alliance will run out of bodies for the
war machine, and this will have to end.”
I sigh, unconvinced. I think that we will meet our end first. They’ve
already wiped out thousands of my people.

But what option do we have left? Perhaps Kalchuk is right. Our only
chance at a future might lie among the stars. It certainly isn’t here. Our
home planet has been decimated by the war the outsiders have brought to it.
Kalchuk leads us in the Song of Creation. It doesn’t sound the same as
when it’s performed by a full chorus of hundreds or thousands of Ishani. I
realize with longing that I’ll never hear it performed in such a way again.

But even though the sound has changed, this is not a song that is only
heard. It is a song that is felt, that is breathed, that is absorbed. It is a song
that reverberates through each and every one of us, connecting us all, even
linking us to realms we can’t normally be cognizant of.

While we sing, I can feel the invisible thread that links me to Renari
holding me upright. It connects me to all nineteen Ishani present, but each
link vibrates at a different frequency, with its own unique meaning and

The one that guides me to Renari is an unbreakable chain, so thick I
wonder how I never felt it before. That is the power of the Song. It makes
known to the mind what was only sensed by the spirit before.

In one voice, we sing. Crystals that make up the essence of our planet
are drawn together, quickly building upon each other, growing, and shaping
into the form of a crystal starship.

It is all done within a matter of minutes. As the song trails off, we face
the curved wings of our only hope.

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