Haunted by Pandora Pine EPUB & PDF

Haunted by Pandora Pine EPUB & PDF

Haunted by Pandora Pine EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Pandora Pine
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB

Danvers, Massachusetts, January, present day…

Christopher “Trip” Cahill was going to throw up. He’d never been so
simultaneously excited and nervous as he was today, signing his name to the
mountain of documents being explained to him by Genevieve McClain, his
lawyer and real estate agent.

“Only a few more to go and the Temperance Bradstreet house is yours,”
Lester Phillips, the current owner, said. The older gentleman sounded
practically giddy. It was obvious he was eager to get the property off his
hands. What Trip couldn’t figure out was why.

Holding back the very last form, Genevieve cleared her throat. “Before the
house officially becomes yours, I have to ask you one more time if you’re
sure you want to buy this house. There are so many more properties on the
market that would tick the boxes of all your must-haves.” Her eyes bore into
Trip’s as if there was something she was trying to tell him without saying the
words aloud.

“Now you wait a cotton-picking minute, honey! Just who in tarnation do you
think you are?” Rand Jefferson asked, sounding every bit the model of
southern gentility that he was. He was Lester Phillip’s lawyer and a real
bulldog when it came to fighting for his client. His jowly face burned with
anger and blatant sexism. “Mr. Cahill has agreed to purchase the property,
and here you are trying to talk him out of it. Women never should have been
allowed to practice law if you ask me.”

“No one asked you,” Gen shot back. “I don’t know what appalls me more,
Mr. Jefferson, your ill-mannered and odious attempt to intimidate me or the
fact that you’re trying to deny my client the benefit of my counsel. Now sit
down and shut up. The adults are talking.” Genevieve turned back to Trip.
“We have six verified hauntings in that house, Trip. A seventh if you count
what happened to me several weeks ago.”

Trip had heard the story on three separate occasions. Each time Gen told the
story, she made sure to add additional details and emphasize how serious the
incident was and how scared she’d truly been. He wasn’t sure if he believed
any version of the tale.

According to Genevieve, she’d been at the Forest Street property preparing
for an open house when, out of nowhere, she’d smelled flowers. The house
had been staged for the event, but the only flowers in the house were made of
silk. She had bad allergies and hadn’t wanted to spend the day sniffling and
sneezing in front of potential homebuyers, which meant fresh flowers were a
no-go. While searching for the source of the scent, she’d come face to face
with a woman dressed like something out of Gone with the Wind. Clothed
entirely in black with a large belled hoop skirt, wrist-length sleeves, and
layers of ebony petticoats, the woman nodded, seemingly in approval, and
then disappeared.

Not knowing Gen all that well, Trip hadn’t been sure if she was prone to
exaggeration or if she’d really seen what she claimed to see. It didn’t matter
either way. He was going to buy the Temperance Bradstreet house come hell
or high water. Even if the story was true, how scary could the spirit of a Civil
War widow be?

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