Hat Trick Holiday by Ella Market EPUB & PDF

Hat Trick Holiday by Ella Market EPUB & PDF

Hat Trick Holiday by Ella Market EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Ella Market
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB


I’m going to cry.
I know I’m being irrational and unnecessarily sensitive considering
everything Max has been through in the last week, but I can’t help it.
With the extra chaos that came with Max’s hospital stay and then getting
him home, we forgot about my absolute favorite day of the year.

For as long as I can remember, my soul has belonged to Christmas. When
I think about my core memories growing up, a majority of them revolved
around this holiday.

Christmas season is a big deal to a lot of people, but in the Philippines?
It’s everything. So much so that our season actually starts in September.
While everyone else is preparing for Halloween and autumn vibes, the
Philippines lights up like Whoville on September first.

Of all of the holidays and birthdays throughout the year, my family made
the biggest deal about Christmas and all of the traditions that came with it. I
don’t even know if it’s the holiday I’m attached to or simply knowing that
every year would be the same. No matter where in the world Vince and I find
ourselves, we always make our way back home.
Except this year.

Blinking back tears as my phone buzzes, I scramble to stop the noise
before it wakes Max. His face is scrunched in his sleep, and I try to stop the
onslaught of flashbacks that threaten to enter my mind when I think about
how close we could have been to losing him.

Shaking that away, I look to see who’s calling, and my heart twists when
I see my brother’s name on the screen. Careful not to wake my blond love, I
slide out of bed and make my way to our balcony before I answer.
“Maligayang Pasko, Ate!” Vince’s voice chirps through the phone as
soon as the call connects, and at the sight of his glowing face and Christmas
sweater, the tears begin to flow. The smile immediately vanishes from his
face. “Aw, Ate, what’s wrong?”
I sniff and wipe my face with the end of the Thunder sweatshirt I slept in.
“I’m missing Christmas.”

Vince’s face falls even more. “I know, Ate. Noche Buena was kind of
weird without you, but we understand. How’s Max?”
“He’s okay.” I shrug. “Well, not okay, but he’s strong. He’ll bounce
The view of my little brother’s face shakes as he walks somewhere, but
he smirks down at me. “He’ll bounce back whether he likes it or not if I have
a say in it. It’s my Rosario guarantee.”

That draws a laugh out of me, and for the millionth time, I’m thankful for
the relationship I have with my brother. I can always count on him to lift me
up when I’m feeling down, and I’m beyond ecstatic he’s coming to Tampa to
help take care of Max.

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