Guardian’s Redemption by Marie Harte EPUB & PDF

Guardian’s Redemption (STORM LORDS #5) by Marie Harte EPUB & PDF

Guardian’s Redemption (STORM LORDS #5) by Marie Harte EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Marie Harte
  • Language: English
  • Genre: fantasy romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Philadelphia, Present Day
I clenched my jaw as I glared at the saturation of eager shoppers crowding
the festively decorated mall. I’d finally had Lexa in my grasp. With all that
had been happening at home, her capture was the one goal I could meet, the
one thing I’d looked forward to more than any other.

I’d had her within reach…only to lose her when she’d teleported right out
from under me. By the Light’s Mark! The time had come for answers, and to
take that final step into annihilating Sin Garu to free Tanselm from the threat
of ever-present destruction.

Tanselm — a parallel world with its own sentience, a land filled with
magic, vibrant color and abundant life. As opposed to this…Philadelphia.
City of brotherly love, my ass.

“Well now, looks to me like you could use my help.”
I turned to face the bearer of the smugly uttered words, barely refraining
from turning the Djinn, a creature of Dark, into a dirt stain over the grouted
tile underfoot. Jonas Chase looked like any other shopper during this harried
season. Tall and laden with muscle, he wore his light-brown hair cut in
shaggy waves over a chiseled face.

His brown eyes danced with humor, and he crossed his arms, clad in a
blue knit sweater over snug denim jeans. He could have passed for human,
like many of the others looking for bargains around us.

Though most of those shoppers appeared human, my magic allowed me
to spot of few of the magir, what a certain faction of magical creatures in this
mundane world called themselves. Though none of them hailed from
Tanselm, several had come from parallel worlds and now called Earth their

I spotted a few sprites and witches, a mage or two, and there, in a tech
shop, a lycan trying poorly not to be noticed. A difficult feat considering his
size, though I supposed the dark glasses were supposed to make him look less

And yet I had to deal with a Djinn from my world, his powerful black
aura one only a sorcerer of my caliber, from my world, could see.
I sighed. Had I been reduced to needing help from what I’d once
considered the enemy, a creature of Dark? “If you want to help, tell me where
to find Lexa. And trust me when I say you want me to find her before I lose
my temper.”

“In like what, the next two seconds?” Jonas scoffed. “And everyone says
Darius has the temper in the family.”
He wasn’t wrong there. Of my four identical nephews, Darius, the Prince
of Fire, had a temper.

A cute blonde walked by and gave Jonas the eye. He grinned and winked,
apparently not at all inconvenienced by this out-of-the-way trip to Earth.

Right now, I should have been in an important meeting with my sister,
Tanselm’s overqueen, and with my four nephews, Tanselm’s last Storm
Lords. Also known as the Royal Four, now that the rest of the Storm Lords
were dead, my nephews sat poised to become kings, each commanding one
of Tanselm’s territories.

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