Grounds for Impropriety by Parker Roberts EPUB & PDF

Grounds for Impropriety by Parker Roberts EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Parker Roberts
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Where There’s a Will…
Avi Hawthorne closed her eyes, turned the steering wheel, and
slammed the brakes as her Toyota Yaris drifted into the last available
parking spot and came to a screeching halt. Miraculously, she didn’t
feel the jostle of a collision. She didn’t even hear her mirror grinding
against the paint of either of the adjacent minivans. Under any other
circumstances, Avi would have taken a moment to admire the exactness of
her uncharacteristic vehicular maneuver, but she was late; very late.

She exited the car, locked the door, and took off in a self-conscious
sprint towards the law offices of Dole, Everman, and Dole. As she passed
the last row of parked cars, she made eye contact with her awaiting and
pacing sister.

“Aviva Hawthorne!”
Uh oh…Gracie was seething with full-first-name anger.
“Where have you been?! I’ve been calling you for over an hour. Did
you sleep in again?”

“What, did that silly flip-phone of yours stop working? Did you just not
care that the whole family was waiting for you?”

“No time for excuses, Aviva. You’ve really done it this time.” Gracie
said as she held open the door for her big sister. “Of all the things to
forget…Grandma Jean’s will reading? You do realize you’re the only thing
standing in the way of twenty-some Hawthornes and their inheritances,
don’t you?”

“I’m sor…”
“What are you waiting for? Let’s move!”
Though Avi had never been there before, the law offices of Dole,
Everman, and Dole felt all too familiar. The monotonous conformity to
modern architectural perfection was perfectly boring – completely
forgettable in an unforgettable sort of way. Its layout was designed to
optimize function with an unrelenting rate of right angles, and while
determining interior paint options, the lease-holding legal team no doubt
beamed with frugality when they came to the color swatch that read,
“Cheapest, Dullest White Your Clients Ever Will See.”

With a lobby that smelt of nothing and a stairwell bereft of any echoing
creaks or character, the place of business reminded her of her apartment: a
sturdy cage aimed at maximizing profits while neglecting the human
experience. How she hated that cookie-cutter small town and longed for the
peculiarity of the city. There, limitless rows of antiquated brick buildings
left their unique fingerprints along the old broken roads. She pictured their
interiors full of enticingly strange corridors, abnormal rooms, and hidden
artifacts forgotten by the original owners.

However, in reality, Avi knew the
best she could hope to find there was a friendly squatter and only minimal
traces of asbestos, radon, and fentanyl. The city was a danger zone, so until
modern architects decided to reintroduce an artistic flair to their line of
work, choosing between urban aesthetics and a soulcrushing place like the
building she was currently racing through was an easy choice to make.

Avi was tenacious for prioritizing safety. Her timid demeanor had
always been painful to behold, but her constant worry and borderline
pantophobia were later additions to her learned persona. And who could
blame her? Recurring and overwhelming anxiety would probably plague

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