Grotesque Love by Crystal North EPUB & PDF


Grotesque Love (FAIRY TALES WITH A MONSTROUS TWIST) by Crystal North EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Crystal North
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.9 MB
  • Price: Free

“I only want what’s best for you, Ari.” His voice is an oil slick, sliding
over my skin and leaving behind a toxic residue that makes it hard to
When I don’t reply, his words slipping through my memory like sand,
he sighs, making the weight of his disapproval known.
“You know your mother would never want to see you like this.”
The word ‘mother’ stings, like something sharp pressing into my skin.
There’s an uncomfortable pressure swelling in my chest, like the ocean
pulling back the waves. The sensation just lingers on the periphery, but it
doesn’t break through the haze.

I’m locked up so tight. Hidden.
Tucked away, even from myself most days, just existing as a hollow
shell. Lost in my own foggy thoughts.
A hand reaches out, gently stroking my hair. It’s gotten long now, I
haven’t cut it since…well, since before. The pale white blonde strands seem
almost silver in the moonlight.

The irregular pitter-patter of raindrops land on the glass, filling the
stretching silence, and I watch as they race and run in rivulets down the
cold glass. My breath forms in smokey little wisps as I exhale slowly. Even
breathing feels like an immense effort most days.
What if I just…stopped?
What if I never took another breath and my lungs didn’t expand, and my
heart just…stopped?
I want it to stop.

“Arianwen? It’s time for your medication. Come on, my little
Rapunzel.” He snorts, the nickname dripping with sarcasm. I know he hates
how wild my hair has become, how untameable. He often threatens to cut it,
making me shiver every time he does.
There’s a hint of bitterness on the tip of my tongue. It’s muted, but it’s
there, like an almost-taste. A memory. I want to say something. I want to
tell him that I’m not his anything. But I don’t seem to be able to find the

I don’t remember the last time I spoke to someone. It might have been
at the funeral. Or perhaps the hospital? Time passes in a blur now, the dusky
sunrises filtering in through the large windows, eventually fading into the
darkest nights.

Four months.
Or was it five?
Ten or eleven since that night.
I don’t know.

There’s no one else out here. No cars, no noisy neighbours, nothing but
foggy fields, forestry, and waves crashing onto a pebbled beach below.
There’s only us, in this large house filled with shadows and shrouded in

“Here.” He pushes two pills past my lips, and I let my mouth fall open
Without looking at him, I take the water he’s offering. As each day
passes, it gets harder to look at him. Sometimes, I think I’m watching him
and then he shifts, morphing in front of my eyes into something sinister.
Something predatory.
I swallow.

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