Greek God (FLYING INTO LOVE #7) by C F White EPUB & PDF

Greek God (FLYING INTO LOVE #7) by C F White EPUB & PDF

Greek God (FLYING INTO LOVE #7) by C F White EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: C F White
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 7.6 MB
  • Price: Free

Dreaded Return
Present Day
“Oh, my God!”
Jesse flung his eyes open to darkness. Too dark, he couldn’t make out
who had blasphemed with such vigour. Heart pounding with not only the
rapid wake up but also the strange voice carrying over from his dream into
his reality.
“Are you going to turn that thing off, or what?”
Not a dream, then.

Nor was it romantic, rippling tones telling him how beautiful he was.
Jesse rubbed his eyes. It didn’t help. Not only was it pitch black, but he
didn’t have his glasses on and he was practically blind without them.
Rolling over, he tapped along his bedside table, found the phone singing a
delightful classical rendition also known as his alarm, and squinted at the
blurred green text to find the off button. He pressed it.

Wonderful, calming silence.
Pulse levelling, he fell back on his pillow, threw an arm over his face,
and tried to get back to dreamland. It was better there. Less noise. Less
commotion. He’d been in one of his recurring reveries. Where sparkling
blue waves lapped over a golden sandy beach and a stunning, tanned male
in nothing but snug-fitting Speedos a la Tom Daley kicked the froth at him
with a smile delightful enough to wipe away the sudden dread creeping into
his reality.

“Is this what time you get up for work?” a voice mumbled, sleep-filled.
The voice wasn’t coming from the man on the fantasy beach. He had a
melodic accent, oozing soft tones and depicting nothing but romance. The
accent coming from somewhere beside him was harsh. Multi-cultural
London English. Crap. Jesse wasn’t alone. He was in his own bed. That he
could tell. It had his scent and the familiar feel of soft cotton sheets, but he
didn’t have the entire thing to himself as per the norm. Today, another man
occupied the other side and was yanking the duvet to cover his…oh my
God…naked body.

Jesse wished he could see.
Man turned his back on him, curling up to sleep.
Jesse’s head pounded and his tongue was as dry as a shrivelled up desert
cactus. He attempted to roll it around his mouth and produce enough saliva
to form words. Or at least swallow the horror building within. Too scared to
inhale his own bought and paid for oxygen, he raised his head from the
pillow, checking it was a complete stranger next to him and he hadn’t ended
up in bed with the bloke from work. Again.

He dropped back to the bed, the whole act way too much effort. Not that
he needed to see to know if the bloke was a stranger. He sensed it.
And he wasn’t sure which he’d preferred.

Headache worsening, he pressed the heels of his hands onto his temples
and massaged to calm the intense throbbing. Dry mouth more pressing, he
grabbed the convenient pint of water on his bedside table. At least he’d had
some forethought when he’d clearly been three sheets to the wind last night
and prepared ahead. Downing the water, he gagged.

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