Grayson (OATH OF HONOR #4) by Laura Scott EPUB & PDF

Grayson (OATH OF HONOR #4) by Laura Scott EPUB & PDF

Grayson (OATH OF HONOR #4) by Laura Scott EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Laura Scott
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Dr. Eve Shaw inwardly sighed as she pulled into the physician parking lot
of the Milwaukee College of Medicine located on the same campus as
Trinity Medical Center. How embarrassing to be running late to her own
presentation. It wasn’t Eve’s fault—a harried mother of three had rearended her near the day care center.

The damage to Eve’s SUV wasn’t bad,
the car was drivable, but the young mother had insisted on calling the police
to get the accident on record for her insurance company. Why, Eve wasn’t
sure as most rear-end accidents were the second driver’s fault. Maybe she
feared Eve would come back at her for some reason. A ridiculous notion as
she didn’t have time for that nonsense.

On a positive note, her presentation was via a live-streaming platform
with other molecular cellular researchers, so at least she didn’t have to
worry about walking in late to a huge auditorium full of medical students
and professors waiting for her. She’d already done her grand rounds
presentation to them last month. This was a smaller group of professors
who would hopefully be understanding about her tardiness. She pushed out
of her driver’s side door, grabbed her oversized shoulder bag, and squinted
against the bright June sun.

As she strode quickly to the Milwaukee College of Medicine’s research
institute where her office was located, she glanced at her watch. Her
presentation was supposed to start right now. She inwardly winced. By the
time she got into her office and booted up her computer, she’d be at least
seven minutes la—
Boom! A large explosion rocked the earth beneath her feet. Despite her
comfy shoes, she was knocked over, her backside hitting the concrete hard
enough to make her teeth rattle. Dazed, she looked up at the research

Flames and a long plume of black smoke trailed out of one of the office
windows. She blinked, trying to comprehend what had happened.
A gas leak? Had to be. Then she realized the smoke and flames were
coming from her office window. Wait. Was that right? She double-checked
to be sure, counting the windows. She’d been recently promoted to full
professor, which had resulted in a move to a large corner office on the third

There was no mistake. It was her office.
“Ma’am, are you okay?” A uniformed officer rushed toward her from a
nearby squad, his expression concerned as other first responders ran toward
the research building. She stared up at him in confusion, struck off balance
for the second time that day.
“Grayson?” Her voice came out in a high squeak.

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