Goodnight by Susie Tate EPUB & PDF

Goodnight by Susie Tate EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Susie Tate
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Devoted employee
Smooth as silk the lift doors swept back, revealing the imposing
entryway of Nick’s penthouse office floor. As he did every morning, he
stared straight ahead, straight at her, and just as she did every morning, she
held his stare and smiled a smile that didn’t quite reach her startlingly clearblue eyes. They had entered into this ridiculous staring contest every day
for the last three months and every day, without fail, she bloody won.

Now, Nick was not a man who took losing particularly well; in fact he
was known for his stubborn tenacity. But there was something about the
way she held his eyes which made him uneasy; which made him unable to
stop himself from flicking his gaze away from hers by the time he had
reached the front desk. Even after he had turned the corner to his office, he
could still feel her eyes boring into his back, almost as if she was taunting
him for his weakness, and it pissed him off. She was a sodding receptionist
for Christ’s sake, why on earth did he feel intimidated by her?

‘What ho!’ Bertie boomed as Nick swept past his desk.
‘What ho, Bert,’ Nick called back with a half-hearted grin as he
slammed his door. He rolled his eyes when he was in the safety of his
office; between Bertie, Ed and that bloody receptionist, he was being driven
slowly insane. Snatching up the phone, he started punching in the number
of the New York office, but after a couple of failed attempts to get through
he realized that he was so unsettled by the receptionwitch (he’d christened
her that on the first day they had locked eyes), he couldn’t even dial a
simple number. Everyone else seemed completely taken in by her front:

blonde bimbo receptionist – happy to gossip with the girls, charm all
manner of clients and business associates, babble mindlessly about nothing.
But Nick was convinced there was something off about her. Her smile never
met her eyes, her laugh never quite rang true, the way she flicked her hair or
filed her nails looked practiced and even slightly forced.

After the first month of morning stare-downs, Nick had decided to act
on his rampant curiosity. He convinced the company’s industrial espionage
expert to look into Miss Lucinda Quinn. The report that was produced was
more than a little dull. It seemed that Lucinda had lived the most average
life imaginable:

growing up in Bognor Regis of all places, attending the
local comprehensive school and achieving very average grades, before a
string of dead-end jobs and equally dead-end boyfriends. Clearly there was
nothing in the least bit interesting about Miss Quinn, and his head of
security had rightly looked at Nick like he was a little unhinged before
handing over the slender file.

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