Goodbye Earl by Leesa Cross-Smith EPUB & PDF

Goodbye Earl by Leesa Cross-Smith EPUB & PDF

Goodbye Earl by Leesa Cross-Smith EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Leesa Cross-Smith
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Friendship Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Yep. That electric slut-red cherry on top of the Goldie Dairy Dee sign was
zapping like always, even though Kasey Fritz hadn’t been back home to see
it in fifteen years. She rolled the rental car window down and stuck her
hand out—like maybe she could touch the ghosts she knew were there, like
lightning bugs wisping through the summer dark.

The old used car lot was now a family-style Mexican restaurant. The gas
station where she and her girlfriends stopped to get slushies after school got
turned into a fancy new gas station with more pumps and glowing bulbs
hanging overhead than the one before. It was lit up like a fish tank as Kasey
drove past. She went through the green light, knowing the next turn would
put her right in front of where the laundromat, the KFC, and the liquor store
once were. They’d been replaced by a brand-new boutique hotel, which
she’d read about online right after Taylor sent her to the wedding website.

Enjoy Goldie! You can visit a farm, stroll around the old-fashioned town
square, get a mixed cocktail with your fried chicken at the swanky hotel

The town decided to knock down a KFC to build a hotel that sold a plate
of fried chicken for thirty dollars. Kasey wowed as she remembered
checking the price twice, so sure she must’ve read it wrong. She stopped the
car in front of the hotel and pulled the brake. She’d refused the luxury rental
they attempted to upsell her at the airport thirty minutes away and gotten a
little hatchback stick shift instead. The hotel’s valet parking wasn’t optional
and Kasey tipped well, but she wheeled her luggage to the front desk on her
own as a tiny act of defiance.

The receptionist was young, so young. Was that how young they were
making hotel receptionists now? Kasey was only thirty-three, but this girl
behind the counter didn’t look like she should be allowed out past ten.
Kasey gave her the wedding hashtag—#PlumBMarried—as Taylor had
instructed her, guaranteeing the discounted hotel room.

The Plums had
more than enough room to house her, and it was true that Kasey had grown
up counting every penny; it also felt ridiculous to be paying so much to stay
in some fancy hotel in Goldie, of all places. Still, money wasn’t an issue
anymore, and Kasey liked having her own space. She insisted on staying at
the hotel for the entire wedding week and not imposing on anyone—yes,
wedding week because nothing, not one thing, was too much for little miss
Taylor Plum.

The receptionist gave Kasey a small, stiff card for free drinks with her
first and last name and #PlumBMarried written on the back in frilly cursive.
Kasey pocketed it and glanced around quickly, betting she’d see someone
she knew.

Thankfully, she didn’t.
Whew and praise Jesus. She wasn’t ready for that just yet.
The hotel lobby was piping out a comforting lavender-vanilla scent to go
along with the coffeehouse acoustic playlist—brushy voice and guitar, soft

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