Going Rogue (REIGN OF THE UNDERGROUND #2) by Amelia Shea EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Amelia Shea
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
Houston, we have a problem.
Quinn O’Malley wasn’t exactly sure what the problem was just yet, but
it was clear this transport deal was not going according to plan. She’d only
been on a few since she’d started working for her current boss, Dillon, five
years ago. Quinn’s talents were usually spent on other venues. But much
like today, she was sometimes used for backup.
Backup? It was almost comical. Quinn could cover transporting the
money, but if the deal went awry, she wouldn’t be of much help. Quinn had
nothing to contribute if an altercation broke out and turned physical.
The runt. Her father had coined her his family’s very own when she was
a child, disregarding that she was born eight weeks premature. In his eyes,
it didn’t matter. Quinn was the weak one, useless where it counted. The
doctors assured her father she’d catch up to the others her age, but it would
take Quinn a little longer. I didn’t. Quinn peaked at twelve, and fourteen
years later, she was still only five foot one, weighing in at one hundred and
five pounds after a large meal. Scrappy, at best.
Quinn sighed, glancing around the warehouse, sneakily taking a peek at
the men lined up near the bay doors. In a sense, she was sizing them up. Not
for any type of battle, but instead, the likelihood she could outrun any of
them. It would be her only line of defense. All four members of security
were deadly giants compared to her.
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