God Hammer by John Conroe EPUB & PDF

God Hammer by John Conroe EPUB & PDF

God Hammer by John Conroe EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Authors: John Conroe
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal & Urban Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The old mine was a piece of West Virginia’s coal mining history. Standing
in the low-roofed tunnel almost a thousand feet underground, General Tobias
Creek was less interested in history and more interested in modern

“You sure this is safe?” he asked the skinny nerd wearing the miner’s helmet.
“Perfectly. The entire structure has been reinforced with steel rods and
braces using the most up-to-date mining techniques. It helps that this area is
geologically stable,” the smaller man said. Short and slender with crazy curly
red hair and blue eyes, Dr. Carl Clark’s calm, matter-of-fact tone inspired
more confidence than his outward appearance.

The two men left the thoroughly modern elevator and stepped across the
dusty, coal-strewn floor of the tunnel to a wall-to-wall steel bulkhead and its
attendant vault door. Dr. Clark placed his hand on a biometric reader while
leaning forward to look into a strategically placed camera.
“Retinal scan?” Creek asked with mild professional curiosity.

“Facial recognition. The security system is completely cut off from the
outside world, so there’s no chance of… contamination. In the event of an
unauthorized attempt at entry, the system launches a drone positioned in the
ventilation shaft, which in turn ascends to the surface and transmits all known
data on the attack,” the scientist said as the multi-ton door opened silently.
“Good. We don’t need to lose additional state-of-the-art assets, now do we?”
Creek asked.

“That was an unfortunate turn of events, General, one that nobody
anticipated,” Clark said.
“That’s my point, Dr. Clark. We should be anticipating everything. That’s
our job,” Creek said, peering into the dark space beyond the door.
Behind him, Clark sneered for a split second, wiping his expression back to
what he imagined was a cool, detached look when Creek glanced back at
The newly revealed tunnel burst into brightness as overhead lights activated
in sequence, one after another blinking on in what seemed like an endless
row that stretched far into the distance. The tunnel was otherwise unchanged
from the time the last coal miner had left it, the only additions being a double
row of round black metal balls, each almost three feet in diameter.

“They stay curled up like that?” Creek asked.
“It’s their default resting state. Less identifiable, extremely space efficient,
and almost invulnerable in this position. We’ve also found that our personnel
are more comfortable when they’re rolled up,” Clark answered.
“Yeah, no kidding,” Creek noted.
“You’ve seen the videos of them in action, General?”
Creek was silent for a moment, looking out at the seemingly endless rows of
black orbs. “Yes. Your development process was… unorthodox.”
“I got the idea from ‘The Incredibles.’”
“The what?” Creek asked.

“You know, the Disney movie… with Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl? The
cartoon? Don’t you have grandchildren, General?” the scientist asked.
“Oh. The superhero movie?”
“Yes. Mr. Incredible loses his job and takes another as a tester of robot
designs. But he doesn’t know that each design is made with improvements to
overcome his strengths.

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