Go Deep by Rilzy Adams EPUB & PDF

Go Deep by Rilzy Adams EPUB & PDF

Go Deep by Rilzy Adams EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Rilzy Adams
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Black & African American Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Tired. Stale. Uninspired.
Navaya blinked and refocused her attention on her phone’s screen but the
words didn’t change. Anybody who said words could do no harm obviously
never spent any time on book reviewing websites. They obviously never had
to sift through almost sixty, one and two star reviews of something they
poured themselves into. Reading reviews was always nerve-wracking for
Navaya, so she generally stopped a few days after she put out a book. In
those first few days, however, it was important for her to get a read of how
people felt about her work. She groaned. The read she was getting was as
clear as it was brutal. The people were not feeling her newest book, Captive
to My Desires. In the six years Navaya had been writing, she’d never
experienced such overwhelming negativity. And the book had barely been
out for three days!

Tired. Stale. Uninspired.
She tried swallowing the lump in her throat, but her mouth was too dry.
Navaya hated that tears pricked the corner of her eyes. Her skin should be
thicker by now. There had been some bad reviews over the years. Hell, some
of the reviews of Captive to My Desires were objectively worse than: Tired.
Stale. Uninspired. The very first reviewer said they’d rather eat a pile of
steaming dog shit than read anything else she wrote. That didn’t sting, no…
burn, as much as the three words emblazoned on her screen: Tired. Stale.
Uninspired. She knew why they hurt so much.

They gutted her because they
were true. Navaya pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to ward off the panic
that suffocated her. Her reviews had started becoming more critical over her
last four releases and now she had to confront the fact that something was
wrong. She wasn’t hitting the spot anymore. Navaya knew she should stop
reading reviews now she was drowning in her feelings, but apparently she
had no sense of self-preservation. She scrolled down the page, wincing as she
went along.

I remember when a Navi Howard release had me checking to make sure
my vibrator had fresh batteries. I’m just bored now. Homegirl needs to focus
on something else.
That review pushed Navaya from her office chair and straight to her
kitchen. She shuffled through her cabinets until she found her largest wine
glass and poured a generous serving of Cabernet Sauvignon before
swallowing it in only a few gulps.

Tired. Stale. Uninspired.
The words mocked her as she refilled her glass and trekked to her living
room where she curled up on her burgundy couch. Was she surprised her
work was suffering, though? Navaya hadn’t fucked anything that wasn’t
silicone or battery operated in nearly a year and a half since her no good ex,
Callahan, put her off men. That was a pretty sorry state of affairs for
somebody who made a living writing erotic fiction. Thinking about the sonof-a-bitch whose side chick found out she was pregnant after taking a
pregnancy test in Navaya’s bathroom and then left the stick on the counter for

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