Ghostly Game by Christine Feehan EPUB & PDF

Ghostly Game by Christine Feehan EPUB & PDF

Ghostly Game by Christine Feehan EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Author: Christine Feehan
  • Genre: Paranormal Ghost Romance
  • Publish Date: May 2, 2023
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Avail for Download
  • Price: Free

Sometimes things just go south, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do
about it.” Gideon “Eagle” Carpenter eased his body back slowly until he
was entirely supine, linked his fingers behind his head and stared up at the

This was San Francisco. Viewing stars wasn’t always easy because fog
liked to creep in at night, at least where he was located. He was on the roof of
the four-story, wedge-shaped original warehouse made of red bricks that rose
like a monstrosity to stand out among all the cool newer concrete and steel
warehouses surrounding it.

Considering that the building was the only one on
the street to survive the 1906 earthquake and fires and was still standing,
despite the city condemning it and threatening to demolish it several times,
Gideon thought that what others considered an eyesore was worth saving. So
he’d saved it. Mostly for this—the rooftop. He’d used every penny of his
share of the money and then some to see to it that the best of the best ensured
the old building would withstand anything thrown at it for the next hundred

“Yeah, Gideon,” he repeated aloud. “Shit happens. You roll with it. You
don’t let it get to you. You come here, high in the sky, and you get rid of it.”
Because shit did happen in his life far too often. It had been happening
since the day he was born, and he was damn sure it would continue to do so
until the day he died. He’d created the mantra, found the highest place
possible wherever he was, repeated that shit over and over until he made
himself let the clouds take it all away. They had to take it away. Sometimes,
like tonight, when his churning gut was in knots and the devil was riding him
hard, he had to call on the universe to shoulder his shit.

A whisper of movement had him dropping his hands slowly to his sides,
the fingers on one hand wrapping around the butt of one of his favorite
weapons. He could shoot the wings off a fly in the dead of night if he had to.
His other hand settled around the hilt of his knife. Up close and personal
wasn’t necessarily his first choice, but he had skills, and when push came to
shove, he could use them. Few knew the code to open the hidden stairs to the
rooftop, but he wasn’t taking any chances. He was a careful man. That had
been ingrained in him, long before he’d taken to living on the streets and a
ragtag family of sorts had been formed by several throwaway kids—of which
he’d been one.

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