Garretson by Catherine Lievens EPUB & PDF

Garretson (KRSNIK CLAN #3) by Catherine Lievens EPUB & PDF

Garretson (KRSNIK CLAN #3) by Catherine Lievens EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Catherine Lievens
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The air smelled of dust and fresh wood. It had become familiar in a way
few things were in Chris’s life. Chris couldn’t say he minded. In fact, he
didn’t. The smell reminded him that he was building his future.
He took a step back and stared at the wall in front of him. Okay, maybe
his future would be a little crooked, but it was the thought that counted,
right? The house didn’t have to be perfect. It just had to be perfect for
Chris, and as far as he was concerned, it was.

All the houses in the village needed work, including this one. It was
decent enough that he could live in it, but every room needed a fresh coat of
paint, and some needed more. He’d started getting rid of the old wallpaper,
and the thought of the insects he was finding under it made his skin crawl.
That was why he’d decided that painting would be easier than putting up
new wallpaper, but he’d been wrong there, too.

It didn’t matter. He was the only one living in this house, so he’d be the
only one to see how crooked everything was. He had no idea what he was
doing when it came to renovating his house, and he thought he was doing a
pretty good job.

As long as he stayed away from anything more significant than painting,
he should be able to continue. He needed help with anything more
complicated, but that wouldn’t be a problem. He had friends in the village.

He grinned at the wall like an idiot. He did have friends, and they were
all part of this clan now. In his life, both before he became a hunter and
after, he could never have imagined he’d be a clan member. He was human,
and there was nothing special about him, yet Clay and Rowan had decided
to take him in. He was safer than he’d been in years, and no one was yelling
at him to fight like a man, like in that Disney movie.

He snorted at the thought of Cornelius shirtless and with long hair. It
didn’t fit, and Cornelius was much more cruel than the guy in the movie—
and not nearly as handsome. Luckily, Chris would never have to deal with
him again.

Thank God for small mercies.
His phone vibrated on the kitchen counter, and he put down his
paintbrush to see who it was. It could be Rowan or Clay with orders to
gather so they could go kick Kudlak ass. In that case, Chris would have to
be quick leaving the house. Luckily, it wasn’t them, and Chris’s smile
widened as he answered the call. “Ronnie,” he exclaimed.

There was a pause before his childhood best friend answered. “You
sound happy.”
His words made Chris feel guilty. “I’m okay, I guess. What about you?”
Ronnie sighed. “I didn’t mean that you had to stop being happy or

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