Gamechanger by Blair Brady EPUB & PDF

Gamechanger (PORTLAND LUMBERJACKS #2) by Blair Brady EPUB & PDF

Gamechanger (PORTLAND LUMBERJACKS #2) by Blair Brady EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Blair Brady
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.6 MB
  • Price: Free

The squeaky wheel on my cart announced my arrival in the Portland
Lumberjacks’ locker room, its high-pitched whine echoing off the walls.
It was impossible to ignore the combined scents of sweat and disinfectant, a
pungent nasal cocktail. Was that the smell of victory on the way?
I harbored apprehension about my quest to win the hockey players over
to an eco-friendly sports snacking, but I was ready to give it a go. My heart
thundered in my chest as I glanced around, spotting at least one friendly
face in the crowd: my best bud, Quinn.

“Gentlemen!” I boomed, my voice echoing off the walls. “Prepare your
taste buds for a grand journey into bold flavor and earth-saving

About twenty pairs of eyes suddenly looked in my direction. I saw
curiosity in one pair and wary questions in another. A few even registered as
hostile. The sudden silence was deafening, broken only by the distant hum
of the air conditioning. I did my best to flash the million-dollar grin that got
me out of trouble in college and into trouble at bars.

Whipping aside the cloth covering the cart, I revealed stacks of colorful
square packages. “Behold! I bring you seaweed snacks! This is your new
secret weapon, usable both for stolen victories on the ice and securing a
greener planet.”

Axel Karlsson, Quinn’s grizzled old bear of a partner, squinted at me and
tilted his head to the right. He had a craggy profile that appeared carved
from granite, perhaps by a sculptor with a shaky hand. “Moretti,” he
growled in a rough, sandpapery voice, “have you finally taken leave of your
senses? Who asked for this?”

I tossed him a snack package, and he caught it reflexively. “Try it, stud.
Maybe it can put some new spring in those creaky old joints.”
After I flung more than a dozen additional packages around the locker
room, I heard the crinkling sounds of the players dispensing with the
wrappers. Holding my breath, I watched their faces for indications of
reactions to my brave experiment.

Blaise, a cocky rookie, was the first to respond, and I suddenly wished he
hadn’t. “Sweet mother of—” he looked like he’d sucked on a lemon or two
or three. “I think it’s like kissing a mermaid after she’s been eating… I don’t
want to think about what’s been in her mouth.”

My enthusiasm for my project started to wither like a weed hit by
herbicide. “Come on, guys. Give it a chance. Sure, it’s an acquired taste—
like fine wine or coffee. Did you like those the first time around?

Sergei Volkov, our often stoic Russian defenseman, munched and
swallowed the whole package. He reached for a second. “It’s not bad,” he
shrugged. “It reminds me of childhood in Vladivostok.”

Just as I started to latch onto Sergei’s praise and offer him a high-five,
Axel rendered his verdict, and he wasn’t kind. “Moretti, what the fuck?
Tastes like licking the bottom of a used aquarium, and I’m not going to tell
you how I know. Just get these away from me.”

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