Game Changer: Corrupted Save by Evelina Creek EPUB & PDF

Game Changer: Corrupted Save by Evelina Creek EPUB & PDF

Game Changer: Corrupted Save by Evelina Creek EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Evelina Creek
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I sighed heavily as I pulled my headset off and leaned back in my
chair to stretch out my arms. I’ve been sitting here too long, totally lost
in the game I’ve been playing. It was too easy for me to lose track of
time when I’m really into a game. Especially when I’m avoiding other
things that I should be doing instead. My to-do list was pretty long right
now, but I’d badly needed the break.

I stood up from my desk and spared a glance at the pile of clean
clothes still sitting in a laundry basket and waiting to be put away.
They’d been there for a few days already. Nope. Not right now, I decided
quickly. I moved on into the bathroom instead to turn on the shower. I
stripped lazily and stepped into the shower while the water was still cold
to wake myself up and help shake the fog in my brain. I was feeling a
little out of it today and the beginning of a headache throbbed behind my

Still, I hummed lightly as I washed my blond hair and scrubbed
my body. I lingered in the shower a little longer and continued to hum
quietly to myself. I used to like singing in the shower and I mourned for
the times when I could use a small speaker to play music. The walls
were much too thin for it in this building, but that was true for most
apartments in the city. I tried to be mindful of my neighbors and they
were mostly pretty quiet too. Mostly.

My stomach grumbled as I finished up and got out. Time to get
dressed and grab a quick dinner. I dragged the basket of clean clothes
over to the closet and rifled through it until I found the outfit I wanted. I
tended to wear and re-wear only a handful of outfits anyway. My small
wardrobe was a bonus of working from home and I preferred it that way.

The black leggings I pulled on felt a little tighter tonight so I
spent an extra minute looking myself over in the mirror. Maybe I’d put
on a little weight recently? It was hard to tell from just looking, but it
seemed likely to me. I hadn’t been moving around very much, so it made
sense. Life in a chair did that to people. I put on a baggy sweater and my
usual walking shoes before I headed out.

The elevator took me down to the ground floor and opened right
by the building’s mailboxes. I quickly decided to grab my mail on the
way back instead when I saw one of my neighbors lingering down there.
He was standing tensely by the door, looking at his phone.

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