Frost Bite by Virginia Kelly EPUB & PDF

Frost Bite by Virginia Kelly EPUB & PDF

Frost Bite by Virginia Kelly EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Virginia Kelly
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  LGBTQ+ Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.1 MB
  • Price: Free

Nick Is Desperate
I pull up the banking app on my phone. It’s the first of January today and
rent is due. I look at my balance and wince. Not good. Not good at all.
This is a pretty shitty start to the New Year.

Last month I was laid off from my construction job until March. April, if
the weather didn’t cooperate. Merry Christmas to me, right? Sometimes we
have a mild winter here in Chicago and there’s an early call in the spring for
construction, but so far, December’s dumped an assload of snow on the city
and January looks like it might put December to shame. The streets are
pretty much clear—no mayor has let the streets pile up since the blizzard of
’79 out of fear that like Bilandic, they won’t get reelected. Everything else
is currently buried under a smothering quilt of snow and ice two feet thick.

This shit might not completely melt until June the way things are going.
Fuck snow. Fuck it hard in the ass with poison ivy.
I ponder my options for getting the rent paid. I could sell my blood again,
I suppose. The blood bank isn’t open today, though, because it’s a holiday. I
look on Craigslist for part-time jobs but come up with dick and all. Most of
the jobs are in the suburbs anyway, and I don’t have a car. I mean, shit. I
can barely afford rent. A car is out of the question. Finding someone who
needs repairs that’s also close to the Metra is mission impossible. Also,
carrying my tools onto the train and schlepping them to my destination is a
major pain in the ass.

I look at my bank balance again, just in case I didn’t read it right the first
time, and then at the bills that are coming due. If I pay the rent today I
won’t have enough to pay my electric bill or for my cell phone, and both are
due next week. There’s no giving either of those things up—they’re all
necessities, no matter what Boomers seem to think. And it’s not like I’m
swimming in avocado toast and macchiatos over here. I have a scary
amount of school loan debt for an engineering degree that I never finished.

What it all comes down to is me being fucked for the foreseeable future. A
zombie apocalypse would actually improve my life at this point.
I bite my lip, trying to figure out what to do. I could use the electricity in
my teeny apartment as little as possible, but that won’t help this month’s
bill. I can clean out my bank account and it still wouldn’t cover the entire
rent. Even if I sit in the dark and don’t eat, I’m still boned.

I sigh. As much as I don’t want to, I end up calling the building’s super,
Ivan. He’s a cranky old bastard, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have a better
nature, but I’m going to try appealing to it anyway. What other choice do I

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