Freshman by Louise Collins EPUB & PDF

Freshman (BEHIND BARS #1) by Louise Collins EPUB & PDF

Freshman (BEHIND BARS #1) by Louise Collins EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Louise Collins
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.4 MB
  • Price: Free

A LFIE THOUGHT ABOUT HURLING insults, he thought about
punching Ryan, his superior, in the face, but in the end, he rolled his
eyes and stomped his heel to the floor. The angry clomp didn’t stop the
snort of amusement from the man strolling away.

For the past few months, Alfie had been subjected to hundreds of
colourful, new names. Being called a dipshit arsewipe by the prisoners was
preferable to what the staff called him. Rookie, newbie, fish, tender meat—
they were a few of his new names from his colleagues.

“It’s Alfie,” he hissed, then turned and leaned against the metal gate.
Alfie, that was all his mother gave him. His name, which sounded too
soft for the world, a weak name he was determined to strengthen. He was
the youngest prison officer to work at Larkwood in decades, but so far, he’d
only be assigned to the brain-numbing night shift. Every time a post opened
up on days, Ryan, his superior officer, denied him. He said it was because
he was too inexperienced, but he couldn’t get any experience until they
shoved him on days—even working the visitor’s corridor would’ve been a
step up.

Ryan didn’t like Alfie’s age, and he didn’t like that he was from the
care system. He never said it, but Alfie strongly believed Ryan thought one
of the cons had planted him there in the prison.

“Have a good night, Rook.”
Alfie didn’t turn at the taunt. He breathed deep and exhaled to an
internal count of ten.

The day shift had just handed over to the night staff. Alfie was five
minutes into the graveyard shift where the very walls looked like they were
shifting in the darkness. Ryan was on his way home, back to his wife and
kids and his detached house in the nice part of town.

Alfie stood inside G-wing; behind him was the lobby, and on the
opposite side was another gate that led to H-wing. The lobby acted as a
space to ferry prisoners through whatever gate they needed to go. Whether
that was to the hospital, the visiting area, the church, or the classrooms.
Alfie imagined it was bustling with activity during the day, but at night it
was an echoing chasm.

Alfie stared straight ahead without blinking, the darkness bleeding into
his peripheral until only black splodges remained, forming faces, sinister
ones that put the prisoners to shame. The prisoners had been locked up
since seven.

All of them were accounted for in the droning roll call. It was
surprisingly quiet, and the only sound came from behind him, the office,
where the night staff munched on doughnuts and drank coffee after coffee.
Inactivity turned the officers into zombies, and the tug of weighted
eyelids could be too much. People never grassed on those officers that fell
asleep, but it did irritate Alfie that it was always the same one.

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