Found By the Surly Ranger by Haley Travis EPUB & PDF

Found By the Surly Ranger (WOLFE MOUNTAIN MEN #3) by Haley Travis EPUB & PDF

Found By the Surly Ranger (WOLFE MOUNTAIN MEN #3) by Haley Travis EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Haley Travis
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

What a way to go. I might honestly freeze to death because this paper
map is useless.
How the heck did our ancestors use the sky to find north when
it’s completely cloudy? I really should’ve paid more attention to that
summer camp orienteering talk when I was nine.

Another blast of wind attacks my tiny one-person tent. I tried to find a
rocky outcrop to block the breeze, but nature apparently didn’t read the
same survival guide I skimmed before coming here.
It’s getting dark fast. Even with my flashlight, this is probably my last
good chance to pee. Pulling my beanie on tightly, I abandon my tent to go
out into the forest.

The fragrance has been all around me since I arrived, but it hits me all
over again, fresh, damp, and lush. Until yesterday, I didn’t realize that the
color green really does have its own scent, and I think I’m in love with it.
After the stress I’ve been through, it’s almost relaxing.

About fifty feet from the tent, I dig a small trench with my heel, pee
carefully, then kick leaves and dirt over that spot when I’m finished. I click
my flashlight on again and start walking back toward my tent.
Suddenly in the gentle rustle of the deep woods, I hear a twig snap. I
freeze. Then I hear another.

Don’t worry. It’s not him. It can’t be.
I try to calm my breathing, but my heart has jumped up into my throat.
There’s no way he could find me here. But then, he’s clever, and a selfproclaimed expert at everything.
Walking as quietly as I can, I approach my tent from the rear. It looks
like the wind is really shaking it.

Then I stifle a gasp as a giant beast of a man pulls his head out of the
front flap and stands up to look at me. His eyes lock with mine in the fading
light. “Don’t run.” The command is startling. “I won’t hurt you, but you’ll
hurt yourself running in the dark.”

There is no way I could disobey that gruff tone. My feet are so rooted to
the ground they might as well be in two blocks of ice.
He approaches slowly, always keeping his hands in view. There’s just
enough light for me to get a decent look at his huge shoulders, rugged
jawline, and piercing eyes. He’s absolutely striking—
He’s also twice my size, and I’m alone in the dark with him.

“This isn’t a campground, you know.” His dark growl says that he
means business, but his whole demeanor softens slightly as soon as he gets
a better look at me. At five foot nothing, it’s obvious I’m not a threat.
“I’m sorry.” I shift from foot to foot. “It was kind of an emergency.”
His eyes narrow as he peers around. “What kind of emergency?” I don’t
answer. “At least tell me, are you injured?”

“No. I’m fine.”
He comes another few steps closer, and his stern expression eases a bit.
“Pretty sure you’re not a poacher…” It almost seems like he’s trying to force
a smile to put me at ease. “Few years ago there were a bunch prowling
around up here. But you don’t look big enough to lift a bobcat or a deer.”

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