Forgiving Her First Love by Dani Collins EPUB & PDF

Forgiving Her First Love (RAVEN’S COVE #2) by Dani Collins EPUB & PDF

Forgiving Her First Love (RAVEN’S COVE #2) by Dani Collins EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Dani Collins
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Two and a half months later…
Like everything these days, Sophie was late putting in the potatoes. She
should have been turning this soil three weeks ago, but the weather had
been nothing but rain and work at the marina had been an equal deluge.
Today, however, she finally had dry weather and a full day off.

It wasn’t the worst way to spend it. She liked physical work. It was
satisfying and gave her time to think. Or not. As she jumped on the shovel
and levered the clumps out, the noise in her head faded. She absorbed the
smell of the earth while a breeze meandered off the water down at the
eastern edge of Gramps’s property, floating up the sun-warmed hill to
caress her arms and legs. A raven squawked as it commuted overhead and
bees buzzed into the nearby chives that came up all on their own.

“Hey, Soph.”
“No,” she said reflexively. Belligerently, because she didn’t have to
look to know who had spoken. Much to her chagrin, she had been reacting
to Logan Fraser from the time he had picked up her sweater on the first day
of school and brushed the grass from it before handing it back to her.

“It’s my day off,” she added, even though her irritation was more about
the fact he’d caught her in cut-off bib overalls with only a faded tank top
beneath. She was wearing gloves and heavy boots and hadn’t made any
effort to tame her hair before rolling it into a messy topknot.
Why did she care? She had never been a girly girl, didn’t wear makeup,
and he saw her in shapeless coveralls every day at work.

Also, he didn’t care. He’d made that so clear, so many times.
“I promised Gramps I’d get the potatoes in.” She jumped on the blade
of her shovel again.

“It’s not work. It’s something else.”
“Then definitely no. I only talk to you about work.” At twenty-six, she
was finally learning how to set clear boundaries.
“I need to stay here.”

The dirt rolled off the blade of her shovel. She held the handle in her lax
hand as she turned to look at him.
He was annoyingly sexy, of course, wearing a striped button-down shirt
with his sleeves rolled up his forearms. His linen trousers had a knife-sharp
crease pressed into them and were rolled up to reveal his naked ankles in
deck shoes. Being summer, he only allowed his stubble to grow in for a few
days before shaving it off.

This morning it was a light coat of glinting
bronze, tidily precise down the slope of his cheeks and clean on his neck
and under his jaw. His blue eyes were not the least bit apologetic or even
entreating as he met her affronted gaze.

“This isn’t a B and B anymore.” Her mother had run it as one on and
off, but that had been years ago. Much as Sophie would greedily accept
extra cash working overtime at the marina, she didn’t have the bandwidth
for cooking and cleaning up after strangers or making the necessary

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