Forbidden Spice by KC Savage EPUB & PDF

Forbidden Spice by KC Savage EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: KC Savage
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Meeting at The Oasis for drinks and dinner, my bestie, Rae, and I grab
the last two stools at the bar. I hop onto one and slip my purse on the
hook underneath the bar.
“What’s it going to be, ladies?” A man with graying chestnut hair, hazel
eyes, and a goatee comes up to us.

“I’ll have a white wine spritzer, thank you.” I smile and glance past the
bartender. A towering hot-as-fuck young man strides toward us. He stops
and lifts the tub he’s carrying. His muscular arms flex, and his veins
become more defined as he dumps the ice overtop of the beer bottles in a
built-in bar top cooler. He turns and gazes my way.

Licking my lips, I quiver as his big, blue eyes catch mine and I can’t
move. I grab the bar; my breasts rise and nearly pop out of the V-neck tank
top I’m wearing as I lean forward. The corners of his lips turn upward, and
he winks at me. My toes curl as I cross my legs tight and let out a sigh,
imagining his strong arms lifting me onto his firm body.

Rae bumps me hard, and I nearly fall from the stool.
“Blaire. Did you hear me?” Shaking my head, I turn my attention to her.
“Oh, sorry. What did you ask?” From my peripheral vision, the
mesmerizing barback brings another tub of ice from behind the silver
double doors. He walks much slower this time, then comes close to where
we sit after he finishes.

“I asked when do your classes start back up?” Rae sips her glass of wine
and snaps her fingers in my face. “Blaire!”
Blinking quickly, I try to keep my focus on Rae. I physically turn my
body to face her and rest my arm on the bar.

“Um, classes begin in two weeks. I have a ton of preparing to do.” I
raise my voice to get over the buzz of the bar. I turn when a body shoves
into me. I’m wondering if there’s a private party going on here tonight.
There’s always a decent number of people here on Friday nights, but it’s
never been this crowded or noisy before. I grab the bar and try to scoot my
stool closer to Rae. Once settled again, I rest my arm back on the bar and sit
facing her.

A hand grazes mine, sending jolts of electricity through me. I turn my
head. It’s him, the drop-dead-gorgeous barback with steel blue eyes, a nice
thin scruff along his square jawline.
He slides his hand along the bar as he cleans it with a rag, touching
mine again.

My core clenches as my eyes trail after the stunning stranger.
He jogs toward the double silver doors. Turning before he goes through
them; he winks at me again. He must be six-foot-two, maybe taller. His
brown hair is cut close to his head.

“Mmm, mmm,” I moan, and Rae smacks me.
“What?” I jam my eyes shut.

“Blaire, who are you eyeing?” She turns and looks behind the bar, then
scans the sea of people in the restaurant area.
“I don’t see anyone worth all your attention.” She spins back to me and
finishes her drink.

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