Forbidden Fruit by S. Trout EPUB & PDF

Forbidden Fruit by S. Trout EPUB & PDF

Forbidden Fruit by S. Trout EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: S. Trout
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  New Adult & College Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


“Get your sexy ass up!” Mia’s piercing voice demands, rousing me
from what little sleep I got the previous night. I tossed and turned for
most of it as the anticipation and dread over today coiled in my stomach. It
still lingers, battling for dominance, and I can’t tell who’s winning. Mia
yells as a pillow smacks my head. She instantly runs down the hallway. The
sun glares through the cracks of my curtains, and I decide I might as well
get up, although I’d rather curl up and die than get out of this comfortable
California King bed. I open one eye haphazardly. There isn’t a mirror in my
bedroom yet, but judging by the feel of my hair, I don’t need it. I’d bet
money that I look like Medusa.

I stifle a loud yawn. Mia’s hair dryer is already echoing down the hallway
as she gets ready in her bathroom. Spotting my pink mat, laying dejected in
the corner, I consider a yoga session as I stretch my arms overhead. I need
to get back into the routine of morning yoga. It stops the thoughts from
spiraling on days like today. My nose smells the glorious coffee in the
kitchen like a bloodhound searching for prey in the woods, and I forget
about the Vinyasa that I was considering moments ago. Grabbing a hair tie
to pull my hair into a messy bun, I head to the caffeine calling my name.
Mia has a mug and almond milk sitting out for me. I pour my cup as my
second alarm sounds.

“Bitch, are you up yet?” Mia calls over her hair dryer.
“I’m getting coffee!” I scream back, unsure if my voice carries over the
bathroom rave that’s ensuing as she gets ready.
My third alarm of the morning sounds, and I finally shut the bitch off. It’s
not as bad as usual. Typically, I need at least five to get myself out of bed. I
am notoriously not a morning person.

My best friend, Alexandria, knows I
will not willingly attend a brunch unless it’s after ten am. I’m not sure why I
didn’t allot the same rules for my classes. I grab the mug from the counter,
heading towards the shower. If there’s anything that gives the premonition
of a fucked up day to come, terrible coffee is top of the list. Thankfully, the
first scalding sip I take is perfect.

It’s no secret that I’m not a fan of the unknown. My attendance at
Bennington wasn’t a surprise. This first day of school at Bennington has
been in the cards for me for years. It was expected, but not necessarily
demanded, and those types of expectations always fuck me up the most.
With Dad as the longest tenured Dean, Bennington is a significant part of
my family’s legacy.

The passive aggressive comments over the years, well
before senior year, made it obvious that they would view me attending
elsewhere as a monumental betrayal. So, I played the part of a dutiful
daughter and eagerly agreed without giving an inkling that I would even
consider otherwise

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