For The Hope of it All by Ila Sikorski EPUB & PDF

For The Hope of it All (MERRYMOUNT #1) by Ila Sikorski EPUB & PDF

For The Hope of it All (MERRYMOUNT #1) by Ila Sikorski EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Ila Sikorski
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.8 MB
  • Price: Free

MY LEGS ARE DEFINITELY BEING EATEN alive by mosquitoes, and
there is a suspicious-looking Canadian goose staring at me from the water
with eyes that tell me we have a feud I was unaware of until now, but I’m…
home, I think.

Within the last month, I’ve walked away from essentially everything:
my job in the Seaport and the apartment I sat on a waitlist for over two
years for. Plus, I have purged every dating app from my phone. Not that
there was much happening there anyway; I haven’t been on a date in almost
a full year to the day. I think a lot of people would call this a quarter-life
crisis, and honestly, maybe they’re not wrong. But the quiet voice in my
head telling me to ditch it all got too loud, and I couldn’t ignore it anymore.

“Well, that about covers it. You have the keys, and the lease is signed. I
left a copy on the kitchen counter. Cottage B is officially yours, Margot.”
I break my staring contest with the goose and look back at the older
woman standing in front of me, handing me the keys to my place. This is
where I’m supposed to say thank you and let my new landlord – landlady? –
be on her way, but I can’t seem to find the words. As soon as she’s gone,
this will be real, and I’ll be left alone with my thoughts. Cue the spiraling.
“Thank you so much again, Mrs. Rivers. Everything is perfect. I’m so
grateful this worked out.” I outstretch my hand to shake hers, but she waves
me off and pulls me into a hug I wasn’t expecting.

“Don’t thank me, girl. And please, it’s Beth. I’m excited to see more
young kids like you back here. Us old folks have been running the place for
too long. I’m sure you’ll see my grandson around. He’s right next door in C.
He’s a bit of a stormy cloud, but I can see you clearing that up.” Mrs. Rivers
– Beth – gives me the least subtle wink I’ve probably ever seen and is out
the door before I can even mumble bye.

I found Beth Rivers and this perfect lakeside cottage the old-fashioned
way, an ad in the paper. When I committed to uprooting my life in the name
of happiness, I didn’t want to do anything the way I normally would. No
realtors, no apartment-finding apps. Just me, a phone, a highlighter, and a

When I saw the listing, I had a feeling that this was it: one bedroom, one
bathroom cottage on a lake, pets welcome on a case-by-case basis. I don’t
have a pet, but the idea that I could get one in this new life I’m creating for
myself was just the thing that made me dial the number. I probably sounded
way too enthusiastic on the phone, but I didn’t care. Beth agreed to meet me
the next day.

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