For Butter or for Worse (COASTAL KISSES) by Dana LeCheminant EPUB & PDF

For Butter or for Worse (COASTAL KISSES) by Dana LeCheminant EPUB & PDF

For Butter or for Worse (COASTAL KISSES) by Dana LeCheminant EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Dana LeCheminant
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

IT’S NOT EVERY DAY you’re late to work because a llama got himself
stuck in a pool. Except, this isn’t the first time this has happened, so that
whole ‘every day’ thing is becoming more and more likely. And while the
llama is perfectly fine, if a little waterlogged, I’m at the end of my rope as I
storm into the bakery smelling of wet camelid. Not a good smell, if you’re

“King!” Meg, the only other morning employee at the bakery, practically
screams my name when I stomp into the kitchen. She’s too easily startled,
especially when she refuses to stop listening to music at full blast whenever
she’s in the back, and she presses a flour-covered hand to her chest as she
heaves in lungfuls of air. “I tried calling you.”

I curse under my breath when I realize I left my phone at home, thanks to
Prince Harry and his severe lack of self-preservation. I swear, that llama is
going to do me in one of these days if he doesn’t do himself in first.
“Sorry,” I mumble and peel off my wet shirt. I could have changed before
leaving the house, but I’m already several weeks behind on laundry as it is,
and I’m not sure I would have found a clean shirt.

I had planned to do a load last night after I got home from the surf shop,
but I made the mistake of sitting down to eat my microwaved dinner. I
woke this morning with a half-eaten meal on my lap and a llama making
ungodly noises as he struggled to keep his head above water. Honestly, I
have no idea how long he was in the pool before I jumped in to save him.

Despite his impressive ability to escape his pen, Prince Harry is not a
smart animal. If he had moved to the other end of the pool, his neck would
have been plenty long enough to allow easy breathing. But no, my idiot
llama chose the six-foot end, which is just a few inches taller than his nose.
“You okay?” Meg asks, her voice thin.

I glance over at her, wet shirt in hand, and immediately regret my
thoughtless decision to remove my shirt. She’s doing her best to keep her
eyes on mine, but her gaze keeps slipping downward. Meg was honestly a
godsend when she applied for the open baker position. She just graduated
college and is back home in Willow Cove for the summer until she starts an
internship in the fall, and she has enough rudimentary baking skills to
follow a basic recipe, plus availability in the mornings. I’ve got two
teenagers who handle the afternoons while I’m over at the surf shop, but it’s
the morning baking where I’ve needed the most help.

The problem, though, is Meg hasn’t been shy about making her interest
known. I’ve got six years on her, so we never ran in the same circles, but
she seems to have decided that now that she’s firmly an adult, we’re a
perfect pairing. The age difference alone is enough to keep me wary, but I
haven’t done much dating during the last decade. I’m not about to change
that now just because a twenty-two-year-old keeps giving me bedroom

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