Fool’s Spring by Roe Horvat EPUB & PDF

Fool’s Spring by Roe Horvat EPUB & PDF

Fool’s Spring by Roe Horvat EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Roe Horvat
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.4 MB
  • Price: Free

It was a farce. A complete and utter disgrace. As I staggered and skidded
among the chunks of snow, I could feel the entire universe laughing at me.
My cottage was only seven hundred meters away from the school,
providing for a healthy but not overly strenuous walk to work and back. I’d
double and triple-checked on Google Maps. I’d thought I was so lucky to
land such a convenient living arrangement. Ha, right. I could hear the
goblins cackling.

It was supposed to be spring, dammit!
The road was somewhat cleared but covered with a thin layer of black
ice and lined with the snowplow’s leavings. My elegant leather Chelsea
booties—because that was what I’d wear on my first day to work—glided
over the slick surface like a well-lubed… Don’t even think those jokes.
You’ll end up saying them in front of your new boss. I paused, took a deep
breath, then ventured another careful step.

There was no sidewalk. The municipality Gryta, located 58 minutes 97
degrees north, 12 minutes 3 degrees east, in Sweden, had three hundred
registered inhabitants. Only a few of them lived in what was considered the
actual village, and the rest resided in remote households somewhere in the
surrounding forests. Hence, the only sidewalk in a fifty-mile radius was the
stretch between the old church and the parish hall—which doubled as a
community center and a library that opened on Thursdays, Fridays, and

I paused, eyeing my shoes. What had I been thinking? It was minus
five! What did it matter that it was April and this type of weather wasn’t
expected until November based on the long-term statistics I’d checked?
What kind of loon moved to the middle of nowhere in Sweden without
proper gear?

Me. This loon.
My great-grandfather was turning in his grave.
To complete my humiliation, when I took another precarious step,
waving my messenger bag around, I spotted a person further away on the
other side of the road, staring at me.

He was dressed appropriately in a parka, sturdy cargo pants, chunky,
heavy-duty winter boots, and thick gloves. Gloves, dammit. I swayed, and
with both feet on the ground, I temporarily found some balance. In a fit of
defiance, I stared back at the stranger.

He was tall, broad-shouldered, with lean, long legs, light-brown hair
sticking out from underneath his hat, and a short, thick beard. Of course he
had a beard. He also carried a wide shovel in one hand and a bucket in the

He was hot in the way straight construction workers were before they
punched you in the face for looking at them for too long. Tilting his head to
the side, he appraised me, from my too-thin soles to my impeccably styled
hair, and then he smiled. Widely.

I huffed.
Yes, objectively, I looked like a ridiculous fool, but I refused to be
laughed at.

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