Fool’s Gold (BOUNTY HUNTER BITES #1) by Ava York EPUB & PDF

Fool’s Gold (BOUNTY HUNTER BITES #1) by Ava York EPUB & PDF

Fool’s Gold (BOUNTY HUNTER BITES #1) by Ava York EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Ava York
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The kill had been clean, efficient. Landar’s head rolled across the metal
grating with a dull thunk as the last wisps of vapor dissipated from my
plasma blade. The notorious Zhyx smuggler was finally off the Federated
bounty registries.

I retracted the blade back into its forearm sheath and made my way over
to the body, nostrils flaring at the acrid stench of charred flesh. Crouching
down, I pulled a battered commpad from the pouches on my belt and
activated the registry log with a few taps.

Landar’s file appeared, basic details and a grainy image that didn’t do
justice to the horror of those six beady black eyes and mouth of jagged
fangs. A hefty bounty value blinked in the corner – payable once proof of
termination was submitted. I snapped a few images of the grisly remains,
the data transferring instantaneously to the registry.

A soft chime confirmed the bounty completion. I allowed myself a tight
smile. Another piece of filth swept from the underbelly of this forsaken
station. I pocketed the cred-chit that materialized in the portable banking
unit on my belt. Always nice to add more to the horde.

My gaze drifted around Landar’s lair, taking in the chaotic squalor. The
dimly lit chamber reeked of stale air and mildew, piles of refuse strewn
haphazardly across the decking. Shredded thermal blankets and protein
ration wrappers surrounded a nest of soiled mattresses in one corner. A
rusted refresher unit gurgled, its recyclers likely clogged.

Not that cleanliness would’ve been a priority for the eight-limbed
bastard. I rifled through the scattered possessions, kicking aside a few
dented cargo crates filled with unlabeled vials and tins. Useless contraband,
no doubt cut with household toxins to boost volume on the street.

My eyes narrowed as something shifted in my peripheral vision. I spun,
blade clearing its sheath in a blink, scanning the shadows for threats.
Silence, save for the constant thrum of the station’s atmospheric recyclers.
Then a muffled sob, a sniffle of terror.

I prowled forward, senses attuned to the faintest noise or movement. A
slight indentation in the wall panel caught my eye – the kind used to conceal
storage compartments. I rapped my knuckles against it and the thin metal
reverberated with an unmistakable hollow sound.

There it was.
My blade sliced through the warped seam like a plasma torch, the panel
clattering aside to reveal a cramped alcove. And huddled within, shaking
with fear…a human female.

She flinched as my blade’s harsh crimson glow illuminated her face.
Pale skin, sunken cheeks, dark circles ringing wild hazel eyes. Her matted
hair hung in lank strands over a ragged shift that exposed bony shoulders
and collarbones.

“P-please…” she whimpered, cringing away. “I didn’t…I didn’t do
I studied her coolly, my free hand inching towards the stun baton on my
belt. She could be an accomplice, a decoy set to distract me while Landar’s
allies moved in. You could never be too careful.

“Who are you?” I demanded, the words a low growl. “Speak quickly,
Her lips parted but only a terrified squeak emerged. I brought the tip of
the blade closer and her eyes went wide, glistening with tears.
“I…I’m Gemma,” she finally managed, her voice a breathless rasp.

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