Fool’s Errand by Ki Brightly, M.D. GREGORY EPUB & PDF

Fool’s Errand by Ki Brightly, M.D. GREGORY EPUB & PDF

Fool’s Errand by Ki Brightly, M.D. GREGORY EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Ki Brightly, M.D. GREGORY
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I shoved open the door of the tattoo parlor, huffing and rolling
my eyes as I left.
“I told you names were a bad idea,” a man called. His laughter was
abruptly cut off as the door swung closed, only for it to pop open again as
Hilton rushed along, following my footsteps exactly the way he had since
we’d started messing around together.

He had no spine, and I would’ve thought him doing anything that
showed some independent thought would be great, except this. No, this was
a nightmare.

Hilton reached me and grabbed my wrist, tugging, but I didn’t slow
down until I arrived at the driver-side door of my Bentley. Not even the
classic lines of my car could stifle my irritation. He slammed his body
against the door to keep it closed. I hissed as a high-pitched scratching
sound from the green metallic paint tugged on my attention, but then he was
pawing at my arms.

“Stop!” I put my hands on his shoulders and moved him about three feet
away, then took a step back. “What do you think you’re doing?” I asked

Hilton flushed and ran a hand up his slim neck to his five-hundreddollar asymmetrical haircut with sprayed pink tips. He always looked like
he’d stepped out of a salon less than five minutes ago. He stared up at me
with watery brown eyes and pouted his beautiful lips in my direction. No
one could argue that Hilton wasn’t drop-dead gorgeous. Hell, his part-time
job—which he went after with all the gusto of a lazy house cat—was
modeling. But to this day I couldn’t figure out what I’d been thinking the
night I’d asked him to come home with me from Black Out.
He just wasn’t my type, and he’d been a barnacle stuck to me for the
past two months.

“I thought you would like it!” he said, voice wobbling.
And that was another thing I hated. I couldn’t fucking stand the
waterworks any time I raised my voice. Even just a bit. Tears spilled down
his face, and I rolled my eyes. If I talked too loud, would he fall to the
ground and play dead? I could make a getaway then.

Grabbing his arm and holding up his wrist, I glared at my name
scrawled there—Judah. The tattoo itself was amazing work, but I dropped
his arm like it was on fire. He cradled it against his chest like I’d slapped
him, which I definitely hadn’t. I probably would’ve knocked him on his ass
if I’d even thought about hitting him because he was dainty compared to
me. Yet another reason he wasn’t a good fit.

“This is some manipulative shit,” I said, glaring at the scratch on my car
door. I was pretty sure the decorative buttons running down the sides of his
jeans were the culprit. “I told you we were only fucking. You acknowledged
the fact that we were only fucking before my dick ever went in you.

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