Following Fate (MOREFIELD VILLAGE #6) by Megs Pritchard EPUB & PDF

Following Fate (MOREFIELD VILLAGE #6) by Megs Pritchard EPUB & PDF

Following Fate (MOREFIELD VILLAGE #6) by Megs Pritchard EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Megs Pritchard
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Blissful silence surrounded Elliot Young as he ran through the woods
around his home. After his service had ended, Elliot returned to
Morefield Village to live. He had his home on the outskirts of the
village and was content to spend time alone.

He didn’t want or need anything. He had a roof over his head, food in
the fridge, and some close friends. And that was enough for him. His mate
had died when he was a child; he knew he would never have that

He still mourned her, his Beth, but at least he’d had the chance to know
her. Most shifters never had that and settled for someone who would make
them happy. Elliot had had that connection and had watched her die in front
of him. A car crash. One he’d survived, but she hadn’t.

He’d been twelve when he’d held her in her final moments, her parents
already deceased. Somehow, Elliot had survived. Broken bones and
lacerations, but he’d survived. He would have given anything for Beth to
have survived as well.

As soon as he was old enough, Elliot had left, enlisting in the military.
He’d had to leave. Everything reminded him of her and what he’d lost, but
now he was in a better place. Except for the nightmares. Every night, trying
to save his team but somehow failing. Waking, covered in sweat, most times
on the floor, curled up in a ball. Being back home made it easier, and he’d
wanted to live the remainder of his life in peace and quiet.

That hadn’t lasted long.
Deacon Morrison, Mayor of Morefield, had a job for him, and Elliot had
a hard time refusing. A mysterious organization was hunting shifters down,
kidnapping and experimenting on them and finally disposing of their
emaciated wasted bodies once they no longer needed them.

Indigo Dubois, who ran Salutem, a town close to Morefield, worked
with Deac and the town to try to stop what was happening. They had a good
system in place where both security teams liaised and worked together to
ensure they were as safe as possible.

Security had a good mix of people working in it. Shifter, vampire, and
human. Mated couples who could communicate using telepathy meant
when one was out in the field, they could pass information back to their
mate working in one of the security buildings. Made them far quicker to
respond to danger. Far more effective in saving lives.

It had been working as well. Kidnapping attempts had decreased, spies
had been found and removed, and more information about this group, this
A.S. as they were known, was coming to light. Then something new entered
the mix.

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